I would vote for any pol from any party who did that in a debate.
I would vote for any pol from any party who did that in a debate.
Dissent from Obama: Racism
a really nice olive suit
A bigger waste was the last foof. The entire world is watching, you have the chance to ask the last question... and you tell the candidates to say a nice thing about each other?! I hope that guy’s coworkers are ragging on him all day today.
There was a Mike Judge cartoon called “The Goode Family” that somehow got greenlit by ABC back in the late 2000s. They buried it in the summer and didn’t show all the episodes, but it was hilarious, see if you can find it online somewhere.
Soccer fans have to do something to entertain themselves, because the “sport” is as boring as watching asphalt harden.
I broke a bad spill with my hands on the first run on a five-day HS ski trip. My left thumb bent back so far it touched my wrist. I broke a bone and screwed up some cartilage and whatnot. No way was I missing out on four days of skiing I had already paid for, so I iced it every morning and night, taped it up, and…
I’ve had a paper cut ON MY EYE
If Gbaker is a Mets fan like me, he has an excuse. We are spoiled by the otherwordly-great team doing out local games.
Met fan here. Buster Posey beats you, you tip your cap to a great player. Pence too. Heck, even if Angel Pagan does, you think “Good for him, former Met.” Conor Gillaspie? Who the fuck is Conor Gillaspie? Fucking guy can’t spell either of his names right!
Only commies put money in the Free Parking spot. Something for nothing, a bailout from the establishment. The Liberal dream.
complicated and racist voter ID laws
That is exactly what’s going to happen if Trump wins. Trump is a moron, plain and simple. The man hasn’t put together a cogent sentence in over a year on the campaign trail. He’ll sit in the White House as a figurehead, making dopey pronouncements, and meanwhile actual grownups will run things. Donald won’t even…
The dems would have been better off putting a cardboard cutout of the Joker with word balloons that said “Release your taxes” and “Mexicans are rapists”. It would have been less annoying and got the same thing accomplished. Trump is an imbecile but he certainly seems smarter than Kaine.
When Kaine couldn’t wait 30 seconds without interrupting, ever, it was over. Someone needs to check that guy’s ADD meds, because he came off more than a little retardy.
$200? Shit, that’s probably face for a Mets playoff game. Bring lunch from home for a month or two and treat yo’self.
Regular season baseball is a six month narrative. If you are into your team it’s incredibly rewarding. The day-to-day stuff, guys getting hot, slumping, redemption, new guys up from the minors, the behind-the-scenes stuff... it’s like a soap opera. It helps if you have great announcers, which my team (Mets) does.
Reyes is working out just fine for the Mets, thanks.
I thought the panty story was gonna end way worse. Like they had a huge visible skid mark on them, or he got a handful of menses. He saw her drawers? BFD!