
There weren’t too many more obvious signs of douchery than those short, snug corduroy shorts guys wore in the 80s, usually with a popped collar (or multiple polos, all popped), docks and Ray-Bans on top of his head.

Oh, stop. Our Sweatpants Kid’s dad was a multimillionaire. He got a Porsche for his 18th birthday after wrecking the classic 280Z he got for his 17th. He wore sweatpants every day because he was lazy, flabby, and slow to mature so he didn’t care what girls thought of him.

It’s time to get Indians off the reservations, which are nothing but farms for alcoholism, child abuse and despair. End the nonsense of “sovereign nationhood” and join the country you are obviously a part of (and gladly accepting aid from).

I’m just gonna say it: the people who lost someone that day need to move on, too. Yes, it was terrible. But they carry on as if they were the first people who ever had a family member die. People are shot/stabbed/killed every day. Yet they wallow in their public displays of grief, and make all kinds of demands, and

We don’t need “affordable” (read: subsidized) housing. If you can’t afford to live in New York City, you get to go live in New Jersey. Eventually an open market would find its level. If waiters can’t afford to live anywhere near the restaurant they work at, eventually they will leave; or the restaurant owners will

So, I guess, why do people want yards?

Sure looks like it! I googled PT Cruiser pickup because I figured someone must have done this. Sure enough!

Or make your own.

I just find the hairstyles funny, period. He went from the full-on clown look to something little girls wear. What the hell is next, stripes?

Stop resisting arrest. Consider committing less crime.

It’s the Brazil nut of fruit salad

I thought that was in a Clint Eastwood movie.

The New York Daily News in the early 90s... dang, the Friday paper would regularly clock in over 100 pages. So much more (and better) reporting and editorial... entire large sections for music, Broadway, movies, random shit like “Your Health” on Wednesday. I read it daily cover-to-cover and was incredibly

Is there any way the NFL can make the time between plays more interesting?

Unless you’re actually at a game, when the hell would you wear an NFL jersey anyway? I guess if you go out to a bar to watch a game, but that’s gotta be about it. Unless you’re ten years old, or mentally challenged.

I couldn’t give a loose stool about what any of these dingbats do before or after the game. Oh, you’re protesting something? That’s nice, now go run around for my entertainment. Enlighten us more about your political viewpoints after the game, after I’ve turned it off and forgotten about you.

We overplay the anthem so much that it’s lost all oomph.

Apparently he needs to spur a Dialogue on Race, because we don’t have enough of that these days.

You are overestimating the decency of the sports audience. I think an on-field death would increase viewership. Both the maudlin candle-holder types tuning in to see the ceremonies, and the goons who would be excited. “Damn! That’s a real sport!”

Public schools are a fucking scam that liberals love because it gives greedy union members a chance to profit off education and donate to democrat party causes, while also weakening the power of parents and taxpayers.