Ah. Much more reasonable.
Ah. Much more reasonable.
Alright, you’ve mentioned it twice. I’ll be the one to ask: what is edging?
“Would you feel the same if he had sex with someone for that long?”
I’m almost 50 and my thick, luxurious mane is starting to show signs of receding. (It’s also graying on the temples, but who gives a shit.) My problem is I have a weirdly-shaped head. It’s enormous, and kind of slopes in the front. If I ever have to start shaving my head I’m going to be a sideshow freak.
Save $300 a year and use your wife’s “Extra Body” shampoo.
Every generation thinks they discovered Shower Beer. I mentioned it once to my 20-year-old daughter and she was taken aback. “Wait, you guys did that, too?!”
Acoustic guitar is fine, until you bring it to a keg party. Note to you guitarists: Bluto isn’t the only guy who hates people who bring guitars to a party.
I used to work with a guy who affected an English accent despite having been born in New York and never living a day in the UK. He did so because he liked English bands and thought he sounded cool. He played bass.
“It’s like stating your are a Rush fan but Moving Pictures is only fourth on your list”
Foos sold out two shows at Citifield last summer. Not a football stadium but probably 50,000 per night.
Well, they have to do something to entertain themselves. It’s fucking soccer.
And for God’s sake, at minimum look at their ring finger first! My wife is 50 and still hot, and men from 30-60 chat her up in Trader Joes, Costco, the supermarket. She makes me do most of the food shopping now.
What a load of shit. Cruz is a brilliant guy who loves his country. I disagree with several of his positions, and long for the Republican candidate not brandishing his Bible like a magic shield, but he’s a better person than the two piles of excrement still in contention for the democrat nomination.
If the Republican party were able to shed all the religious wackos - the homophobes and anti-abortion crackpots - and were able to truly be the party of less government focusing on lowering taxes, lowering spending, reducing government and its onerous regulation, they could make the case for an opportunity society…
I was done with the Knicks (and basketball) when they traded my man John Starks for Latrell Sprewell. Wait... the guy who strangled his coach? Seriously?! I enjoy hearing about their futility now. I think it’s hilarious that doughball Carmelo is taking them for all that cash and won’t leave. Ditto for Phil Jackson.
They’re all lying, and are making fun of Barb when she goes to the bathroom.