
Oh and the games were one of the Street Fighters and Donkey Kong Country, which both probably sell for more than I got them for too.

Well crap. I just spent $25 for a power cable for a SNES that I picked up roughly 5 years ago for $10 with two games and two controllers at goodwill. Just to see if the damn thing even works. I know there was $5 cables on Amazon but the reviews were saying the 3rd party cheapo cables caused green scroll lines.

Heh. almost forgot, some of the Kazoo remakes kinda sound better if you fiddle with the youtube settings to play it at 1.25 or 1.5 speed. 2 is just too fast : p

Now playing

Aw, I’d hate to post more but I love this one too much.

Now playing

The original is great...but it’s just so much better Kazoo’ed

Go take a good look at APB today. Even maxed out that game is really ugly compared to this trailer.

All units. Local units. I could do that for daaaaays.

Well it is an advertise technically. Agree with it being bad. Too much name dropping of other games.

A lot of people seem to be saying it won’t happen, but Ubisoft is one of the few companies that usually release some sort of a companion app to go along with their games, at least for this generation.

Pay monthly for yeti ad removal, or pay singularly for yeti boosts to help you avoid the evil yeti ads. Brought to you by that bigfoot beef jerky company.

Hammit got Yamcha’ed

Kinda a shame. I really liked him. Usually if something was falling apart in a Daybreak mmo it would be him posting pretty quickly about a team getting to work on it.

That's some PT level stuff to me, only better if it's done right. Who needs a hallway when you have the world.

I kinda want an augmented reality version of this. Walk into your bathroom, sees shadow behind curtain, and then BAM Freddy when you open the curtain.

No FNAF8: Freddy VS Freddy?

But firefight. They said that Spartan Ops replaced it but I heartily disagree. And Reach did Firefight the best.

They originally tried to play Metal Gear Solid but there was some technical difficulties. Babel must be much easier to “play” this way.

I think you got the wrong game that needs the nemesis system. Crackdown. Even if they just ripped off it’s original system of taking down bosses in big bases, it would add a lore reason to why a base might refill with a new mob boss after they managed to take you down. ( And Crackdown 3? No Zombies. PLEASE.Never

I know who I’d save but if it came between Loaderbot, Claptrap, and the new robot ( forgot the name Gordy?) I wonder who people would pick. Personally I’d try to be the one kicking Claptrap off the cliff so to speak.

I killed him in the first episode before the realized the greatness of loaderbot. Made me feel good that I got to apologize to it lol.