
Complete urban legend. No woman has been successful without being dragged up Everest by a man, at some point. That's just a fact, sorry.

...except for the vast number of women who have not used their looks to gain success. But nice try!

It's only fair, since men can contribute to the world using their brains, strength or bravery, whereas women only have their looks to bring them success in life. That's why fat women are so mean and surly, because they'll never amount to anything and they know it.

As if Iraq and Afghanistan were gun-free zones...

The fact that you think requiring other people to obtain your desire and consent before they can have sex with you a form of "entitlement" says all i need to know about you. Go contribute to rape culture somewhere else, troll.

Youre right, only traditionally attractive people with perfect BMIs are allowed to choose their mates. Unattractive people should just be happy with anyone. I mean who the hell do these uggos think they are, acting like their consent isnt automatic? Dont try to give me some list of criteria to date you. Im attractive,

Not to body shame or anything... [immediately proceeds to bodyshame]

The Civil War.

You know that in order for Murica' to exist in the first place we only had to annihilate the entire population of Native Americans to the point of near extinction, right?

How dare you hold a pirate themed party after all those people (in olden and modern times) died due to pirates?

So? 100,000 civilians died in Iraq war, do we have a special day to remember those guys? Nope.

The funny thing is that many Texans would be just fine with that.

Texas not free market you say? Sounds to me like the Texas auto dealers banded together and bought more politicians than Tesla fair and square. The market has spoken. Isn't that, like, the definition of free market?

The economy is in taters, people are starving in America, and you want hundreds of billions of dollars to go to Mars? Have you no moral compass or are you just this intellectually challenged? Why should we go to Mars? For the same reason we went to the Moon? To get American's mind off the constantly deteriorating,

The real problem is that the public really thinks space travel is easy. It's just like Star Wars and Star Trek. "NASA has all that tech and it's going to be easy to fly to the Moon and Mars." Wrong! All this is new! We're mainly making it up as it goes. All you see in the movies is not true. The cut's come from the

There are things more important than puts some eggs outs of the basket or whatever essential for our future that we can learn there or at least trying to get there, like i.e. building the next NSA datacenter.