It’s pretty clear this is a cover story to explain an injury he sustained during his fifth or sixth plane crash.
It’s pretty clear this is a cover story to explain an injury he sustained during his fifth or sixth plane crash.
Why did she bite rabbits?
The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.
— Elie Wiesel
I, for one, celebrate another milestone in the downward spiral of an odious person who could have been a heart-beat away from the most powerful (at the time) position on Earth.
“Fancy canned fish” sounds like the ultimate oxymoron.
But is it chicken or is it fish?
Talk about marketing: “Like chicken, but from the sea! Get it?”
So basically a 90-year-old NIMBY activist got 20 floors’ worth of new housing units pied-a-terre tax dodges for the 1% removed on the claim that it would increase sunlight?
You are ignorant. Possibly bitter too to have such a take on this.
On review, call overturned. ‘Font’ of chaos is synonynmous with ‘fount.’ Unnecessary roughness.
Smaht Pahk
Add Karl Rove and Lee Atwater to that list with Limbaugh.
My parents too, I hate how I’m slightly sad over the news, because Rush was just such a big part of my upbringing. He fed into my dad’s outrages, insecurities, feelings of unearned superiority and entitlement to be as rude as he wanted. I thankfully didn’t hold his worldviews as an adult, but it took a while to…
Just as Tom Brady’s obituary will mention Deflategate and Darryl Strawberry’s will cover his struggles with substance abuse, it is journalistic malpractice to sum up Bryant’s life and career without mentioning the credible rape allegations.
Yes! If someone is empathetic enough to understand that it would be hard for Vanessa Bryant or her kids to have Kobe’s rape trial rehashed right now ... surely they’re also empathetic enough to understand that it would be hard for any sexual assault victims (but especially Kobe’s!) to read these fawning posts that…
Grammatical Hellscape is the name of my Paris Hilton cover band. We’re really hoping for new material.
I saw it coming. I tried to warn people. No one listened.
for cats it’s pretty easy. Whatever the size of the bed, half goes to the cat. The rest goes to everything else that sleep there. Because whatever size of bed you have, the cat will always set up in the most impractical spot, and choose a position so cute in mere seconds that you won’t have the heart to move it around.
I thought an Alaska King was a crab
The first few after Twin XL should have a single figure on it that signifies “Single, but optimistic.”