Yep, that’s true. I agree it would be a difficult tradeoff if it was really only 5 years of protection, but we have more data than that now.
Yep, that’s true. I agree it would be a difficult tradeoff if it was really only 5 years of protection, but we have more data than that now.
Our whooping cough vaccine is now a version that wears off after 5-10 years (there were safety concerns about the older, more effective version). Anti-vaxxers are partly to blame for the surge in whooping cough, but a lot of it is just people not realizing they should get boosters every now and then.
the literature came from the medical facility administering the vaccine. at that time the published literature indicated the vaccine had the possibility of being as effective as jelly beans. No additional research was required.
yes, not an anti-vaxxer, but in the case of Gardasil, pimped by none other than Texas Gov Rick Perry for his Merck buddies, no way. Yes, there's only a small teensy eensy chance that it can kill your child or cause immediate horrible side effects. If not, it will possibly prevent cancer 40 years from now. Hmm. Yea, my…
I got the vaccine when I was 26, slipped right in on the deadline. I still ended up getting HPV, but I can only hope I am at less risk of developing the strains that cause cancer.
This happens to me. I received the HPV vaccine, and got tested at the start of a relationship. Went on birth control, HPV test was negative. Golden right?
On the other hand, I’m totally comfortable saying cats are evil because i’m allergic.Because those assholes are everywhere and they LOVE me. It’s like they know my throat will close.
Here’s the daughter is recommended (13), BUT if you read the literature on the vaccine it (1) provides protection for only 5 years and (2) you cannot get a booster. So if she were to get it now, show would spend her final teen years and all of her 20s “out” of the known protection window. I’m a big vaccines…
I work for an LED display company. If they paid "Tens of Millions" for that then they Way over payed. This may sound off, but it is actually a low resolution screen (PPI). In the LED world Resolution is measured in Pixel pitch. The distance between the center of one pixel to the next, measured in Millimeters. From the…
" well if you look at the pictures you'll see thats the space needle , thats Edward scissor hands, thats a cake , and thats my penis"
Perhaps I didn't quite make myself clear.
It's amazing that they bury all of this great functionality in a section that most people probably never bother looking in. I use test to speech all the time. I also set up triple tap to invert colors for night reading.