
Lol, thanks for the chuckle, I needed that.

That’s what I thought of too. I figure, if Katy Perry can get it done, I’m sure Airbus can figure it out, too.

thank you! Somebody gets it.

I actually think Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the best. BUT, GotG is my favorite, if I’m making sense. Like, I’m more likely to rewatch Guardians than Cap 2.

I would have to say winter soldier holds the crown with gotg a really close second

It’s a weird combination of GOTG being amazeballs and all the rest being suckass.

The last time I walked out of a Marvel movie as excited as I did after watching GOTG was after I saw Iron Man 1 for the first time.

Jesus, there was less Suh bloodshed at Wounded Knee.

there is superhero fatigue. but superhero movies were such a huge phenomenon, even with fatigue, it’s like going from an 11 to a 9.

I personally do, mostly because I can no longer tell the movies apart. I, personally, feel that in creating this massive shared universe they have fallen into the same reasons I stopped reading superhero comics. Everything bleeds together into one massive story that is pretty much unintelligible and nothing that

Some folks have been trying to push ‘superhero fatigue’ since Iron Man 2. *eyeroll*

“Who has growing superhero movie fatigue?”

Kinda gettting tired of Origin stories though. I get how they’re needed but they’re pretty formulaic at this point. One of the best things about Civil War was that Spider-Man and Black Panther just popped in without needing their own film beforehand to explain their existence in the setting.

Because the original title is iconic, genius, and innovative. The fact that they’ve replaced it with a tired, boring, and nondescript title just shows how disconnected they are from the story.

Eh, as an OU fan, if he doesn’t want to be there, then it’s better for both if he leaves. I can’t imagine the NFL scouts who whack off to Easterbrook are going to like it so much, but I understand where he’s coming from.

There’s no way they will do the x-rated, Mormon baiting, sacred orgies and cannibalism Stranger in a Strange Land version which would be the only point to making one at all - so why even bother?

It's kinda goofy to assign positions to our DL. When we play a 3-4, Walker is usually kind of in the middle with an OLB outside of him. So in that sense, he's playing tackle in the middle. He's not a typical JPP type defensive end. He's built more like a DT. Hope he can stay healthy this year. Dude is a beast and was

Saban is a dick, Meyer is a dick, Harbaugh is a dick - the only difference is Stoops is OUR dick. We fucking love that guy.

Walker is not the NT in our 3-4 or 3-3-5. That will be Romar or Wade (whos been around for like 6 years somehow) or Overton. So I wouldnt say its inaccurate to call him a DE in our scheme.

Pretty decent write up. Two glaring omissions to me: Mark Andrews will most likely be our best receiver (will almost certainly lead