
Hee hee! I love it.

I was trying to figure out does it mean Vadic is a changeling or does she have a prosthetic hand made of changeling matter.  Like, I think the second option would be some serious body horror expansion of the lore.  

Yeah i just filled up our ICE (RX400h) and at 25mpg and $4.70/gal it’s $0.19/mile. Just the ICE number sounds suspiciously low. You’d need to average 30mpg at the US average of $3.40/gallon which isn’t really representative of the ICE fleet (it’s more like 25 mpg)

the EV is running on $0.36/kwh and gets about 333

Yeah, I really hope that Guardians 3 gets into the fact that Nebula and Rocket were alone together for longer than the Guardians were a thing, and that also Nebula was actually friends with a bunch of people in the Avengers (particularly Stark).

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

I think they didn’t launch the fighters bc they would have got in the way of the tractor beam.

Soon: Somehow, Andor returned.

Well that’s a no brainer. No US president is going to be allowed to ride in an unarmored bus crammed with group of other world leaders. Don’t have to be Secret Service to figure that one out.

What are the potential solutions? Back to one-time use cypher pads? Genuinely curious as I’m not a crypto guy

If crypto has a soft cap where it can’t be mined anymore due to the complexity of the equations involved wouldn’t a large jump in computational power lead to an influx of new tokens devaluing the whole marketplace?

How do you know?

That’s a troubled bridge over water.

I assume it may be a reference to mining trucks in something like a pit mine. Not sure how/why this would be a good idea, or what they do with the tanks when they pile up at the bottom, or the water that’s been relocated. Whole lot of questions on this one from me.

haven’t gotten around to watching Archive81 but won’t bother with it since you said it’s canceled now.
Raised by Wolves was a shit show, though.
Looked ok-ish but that’s about it

Only likeable character was Father

Well... This will probably be more reliable than anything from Barvaria. I don’t hate it. Don’t really love it either. The design is ripping off Audi/Porsche/Bentley but who really cares?

a) cite your sources that no one has died with a physical key

That’s the internet for ya. I find it is yet another way for me to discover the unreliability of my memory.

Obligatory lol