
I’ve been stung by a velvet ant and can attest that it sucks ass.

Didn’t say he was a NT, said he was a DT. But your point is fair. He has the quickness to work off the end, but I think it would be very situational for him to be out there. I think its more likely he will be in a rotation in the middle.

Probably could have used a little more research. Walker isn't a DE, he's a DT. Perine and Mixon will both be on the field most of the time. Stoops is not a dick.

And Texas still sucks

How about putting the list in at least some sort of logical fucking order so if I want to make the world burn I don’t have to spend a lot of time doing it.

Now playing

That score pre-dates TNG by about 8 years.

Tunsil’s 30 for 30 episode will be called 30 420

That, along with him being the best player every time he steps on the court.

Hield is the front-runner for POY and it isn’t close.

Corliss Williamson played at Arkansas.

Yes I understood that. There would still substantial initial pressure just to get the projectile moving and it would only increase with each successive boost. My point was when you have an obturating ring(s) grinding against the inside of the bore, especially at the extremely high velocities described here, it seems

Not only that, but with the amount of pressure required the tube life wouldn’t be all that long. Even though they weren’t rifled, there would still have had to be some sort of obturating ring to stop any propellant gas blow-by.

Look where it’s located...

Pretty sure Wil Wheaton is dressed up like a high-school math teacher.

His actual words were “Show some tits.”

Guilty as charged, except instead of a sled we had the hood from an old car.

Roses are red

Thanks Volkswagen.

That definition is somewhat dated. There isn’t really any distinction in modern artillery. Modern howitzers can fire any angle from direct fire to high-angle. Mortars on the other hand are exclusively high-angle.

You don’t have to fire it low angle. It’s a combination of elevation settings and charges. You fire the first round on a very high trajectory and it gives you time to drop the elevation for the next round which has a lower trajectory (still fairly high), so on and so forth. Can’t remember how many rounds they can fire