Corliss Williamson played at Arkansas.
Corliss Williamson played at Arkansas.
Look where it’s located...
His actual words were “Show some tits.”
Guilty as charged, except instead of a sled we had the hood from an old car.
Roses are red
Thanks Volkswagen.
I think you missed the point of the question...he was asking if when #13 threw him down after they collided it could have caused more damage to his already fractured vertebra and soft-tissue.
Agreed. While I’ve found that it can’t be accommodated by all vents, it works great on my and my wife’s cars. And it’s cheap.
Here’s the thing. You don’t get to tell me how I should defend my own or my family’s life.
The image with the guy in the hall with the antlers looks like Burg Reichenstein in Germany. Right above the Rhein River, it’s a beautiful castle in a spectacular region, but a little creepy.
Yeah you beat me to it. I didn’t scan all the pending replies before I posted.
That particular vehicle was destroyed because it’s VIN had been swapped (ostensibly to get around the 25-yr import rule). Still a tragedy.
Yeah, if a C-Class is considered midsize then this being midsize would be a tough sell. It weighs well over 4K lbs for cripes sakes (although it doesn’t drive like it).
Thats a pretty good deal. I got an ‘06 CLS55 last year with 75K for the same price. Other than mine being a little more murdered out they are almost identical (engine and brakes notwithstanding),
A bit of an oversight leaving out the National Guard (Army and Air Force) as well as the Reserve forces.
Fun fact on relative firepower:
Worst Spoiler: Bruce Willis is really dead and doesn’t know it.
What a magnificent plane.