Army doesn't add "hours" after the time either.
Army doesn't add "hours" after the time either.
Hence the first sentence that says "if you use AirVideo and AppletTV."
Also, if you use AirVideo and AppleTV, I've found that the best Handbrake preset to use is "AppleTV 3". You can Airplay full HD video through your Mac to your TV (or your iPhone/iPad to your TV if you have an older Mac) without a problem, and it cuts the file size down to a reasonable number. It's seriously a…
No idea
That joke has an unheard of amount of bad taste. +1
You kiss your mother with that mouth?
You such the typical bitch that is a sooner fan. OU has a bunch of bitch made arrogant bastards. Nuff said
Yeah, me neither. Just bored and wanting to pick I guess.
I'm guessing you're an SEC fan. Probably from one of the shitty teams that has to ride the coattails of the other teams just to have something to brag about. Have fun not playing in the BCS championship game this year.
I grew up there, graduated from OU, have friends and family that still attend OU, and I make donations to the University. I can say "ours" whenever I damned well feel like it.
Typical Poke class. They've been chirping all week about how they were no longer the "Little Brother", forgetting they've only beaten the Sooners one time in the last 10 games (now eleven). Some things change, some things stay the same...BOOMER SOONER!
According to CARFAX, this vehicle has had 4 previous owners. It was originally sold in ND and registered in MN. It was then sold/registered in WI, then IL.
The Mariner Moose slamming into the outfield wall and breaking his ankle is one of the all-time classics. (starts at about the :30 mark)
I'll grant you the semantics that some of it is original. But at some point if you replace enough parts, especially the most important parts that define it, it becomes something else.
They have been modified by replacing almost every moving part so that it can be air actuated in order for it to be used the simulator to "replicate" shooting a real rifle, so yes, they are replicas.
No, they are air actuated weapons replicas (you can see the hose hooked to them). They fire lasers at computerized targets.
Or, you can play at Oklahoma State.
My beef with DC drivers is that for even the most minor of fender-benders, they will stop RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMN ROAD and call the cops.
Yeah, you're right. I only watched it once and at first glance it seemed like Jurkiewicz jumped in front of him at the last second to block him. Watching it again, I can see where Amorelli pulled up just before that.