
"Am I going to die?"

Can't star the post for whatever reason, but 1,000 stars for you sir.


"Look, I'm no huge fan of dealer laws but there is something to be said for an equal playing field; if the law is detrimental, at least it is equally so. If citizens have the political will to change the law, they will."

This then fulfills none of my childhood dreams.

I only want it if the bed will tilt to dump out all of the dirt that I pile in it.

I personally can't wait to drifve the Hyundai Knee Jerk Reaction...err...Re:Flex

I always loved those rules.

These have to stop.

Aaron, how does one "dick racketeer"?

What's the point of having a car, if you can't enjoy it?

I would run from this. I'd say he's got about $9500 tied up in buying and importing this car, but to make it legal is going to cost alot more.

944 is not the answer if you don't want to be terrified that your timing belt is going to break.

I'll go back to my original point...this is way too expensive for what you're getting.

I'm comparing stats (i.e. 0-60, components, power, etc). If you're comparing driving experience, I would say that this little HP in a Caterham would still leave the experience lacking, compared to some of the slightly more expensive versions.

I guess the moral of the story is:
You can buy this Caterham if you want a car with Caterham branding AND you have more money than sense.

Yeah, you can. The draw of a Caterham is that you built it yourself though.

It's a new Open-Air Compression system. It negates that need for a head, or spark plugs, or a battery....and it drives itself...

Which means if I want it in the US, I'm paying in the ball park of 27-30k after tax and shipping costs....and then I still have to pay all of the fees to title and register the vehicle.

Something about being in what is essentially a go-kart, that does 0-60 in under 4 seconds makes me Caterhams.