
This is an issue of sympathy. There should not be any. The lives of the people endangered by people who shouldn’t have a driver’s license deserves far more sympathy. And yet they get their renewals anyway.

Two things I’ve said for years

I don’t need to win the internet, it’s as important and plucking grass by hand.

Nope. You’re a piece of shit racist.

I like how you attempted to dismiss my effort in calling out your tactics as being some weak ass psychoanalyzation of you and people like you, yet everything you’ve done so far has reinforced my point.

You should strive to say everything that you’re thinking in private.

Take you sensible logic elsewhere. It doesn’t belong on a Gawker hit piece comment section!

Yeah I get it. I’m always muttering about exterminating all non-whites but it’s only to myself so we’re totally cool, right?

Actually SonGohan until you said you’re last paragraph I was with you. There’s nothing wrong with horriffically foul and offensive language in total privacy, because there’s no one around to hear it. It’s like shooting bullets when no one is around. There’s no one around to get hurt.

But PewDiePie does not say racist

No, it took all of 15 seconds. Pointing out idiocy doesn’t take much effort.

“Nope, don’t care. Take your sandy vag elsewhere.”

You’re an obtuse moron who clearly wallows in self hate so much that you have to rationalize your bullshit in order to distract yourself from the fact that you’re compensating for something else.

You have several options for other curse words to use, but you choose the N-word. That really says something about your character. One of these days, you’re gonna slip with the N-word in public while surrounded by minorities.

Anyone who casually says “go take your sandy vag” simply CANNOT be a sleazy dude. You don’t come off that way AT ALL with your casual racism and willful ignorance against the history of a word.

“Said in private” are the key words there, I’d say.

This wasn’t said “in private”....

I’m going to come out and admit that I use the N-Word as the penultimate swear word when I’m alone with my own thoughts.. It is literally the worst word you can say as a white guy so it’s that much more cathartic to say when you’re pissed.

My closest GameStop was 25 minutes away. I was on the phone with the store manager when he was finally able to get into his email and verify how many they were getting. He told me their entire system usually goes down when there’s a huge preorder event because it happened with the Amiibos too.

Yeah, that would be nice. Cut out the scalpers more efficiently by making people pre-order in person and limiting them to one per person. But that’s an ideal world we don’t live in. 🙄