
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... you know how it goes.

Although that’s a semi-nice thought and one I’d like to share, I’m extremely skeptical that that is the primary or even secondary meaning behind this monument.

To be fair, about 21% of the Confederates were conscripted instead of signing up themselves. And many that signed up were fighting for their homes, rather than any belief that the black man needed to remain in chains (Like the many German immigrants out of Texas that thought slavery was a vile practice, but signed up

“even the payload has more kills than you”

I dunno how Blizzard has been ignoring scatter for so long now while simultaneously saying they nerf one-shot abilities because they’re not fun.

Widow needs a useful ult. That should be next on the list.

Paul Newman in “Cool Hand Luke”. The is a bet that he can’t eat 50 hard boiled eggs and the the rest of the inmates take bets. George Kennedy wins on the bet and says “Winner winner chicken dinner!”

I feel similarly. Being a “single-player, offline RPG” actually appealed to me a bit, but nothing about it kept my attention. I don’t know if I lasted 6 hours.

I agree. It was too tedious for me, and I didn’t care about any of the characters besides Balthier. I thought the Gambit system was a clever way of managing battles, but got bored because battles were so passive. I was much more drawn to the freedom that ES4: Oblivion offered, and had been spoiled by more action

I respect your opinion, but for me, going from XII to XIII was a real slog. I didn’t care the for the forced linear narrative of the story, and the fact that it’s not an open world like 100% of the other FF games. Also, we all know in our hearts that Hope is the single worst character in the series. If you thought

I love how your gif really looks like an aimbot, with the crosshair snapping in the center of a fair target, then snapping on Genji a soon as he is done deflecting.

Fuck no I never said that, the batter has to be in the batter’s box when he swings. But the ball doesn’t have to be in the strike zone (or anywhere near it) for you to swing and miss and get a strike called against you. But if the pitcher rolled the ball in the same manner and it rolled over the plate and the batter

It’s walking a fine line of being an expliot but I don’t think it really is since he is still vulverable to a boatload of heroes if they know he is there.

I’ve never cheated in a competitive game pitting myself against others in any capacity (leaderboards, PvP) nor have I taken credit for anything accomplished with cheats (brag about beating a game with cheat codes) and I despise those who do. If I had it my way though I think even cheaters deserve a second chance.

Interestingly enough, when I got my HTC Vive last year at launch, it seemed that everyone online was super polite and simply not a jerk. Probably for the exact reason you said, the computer power needed along with an expensive headset meant only enthusiasts were buying it that early. I’m sure the community will worsen

Loved the Penny Arcade throw back.

off topic: i impulse bought the switch (i know i was complaining a lot about nintendo, i couldn’t resist when i saw one in stock at target, it’s okay i know i’m stupid) and is there a known issue with the base stand changing your hdmi inputs? it’s annoying as heck, i just haven’t docked it since saturday when i got it.

Counterpoint: It needs even more support.

I don’t think it would work. If Facebook has taught us anything, it’s that a lack of anonymity doesn’t stop people from being abusive. They’re perfectly happy to nail their flag to the mast and power on.

This shocks me the most. They have a very rich history of complete imbalance in World of Warcraft and their first foray into “esports”, the Areana. It was a giant mess, and PvP in WoW is normally dominated by one class until Blizzard caves to the cries for nerfing, then, big surprise, another class becomes imbalanced