
Yeah. Just dinged 31 here. Callin' everyone kids... Even older folks.

Pat, for the love of GOD spoiler tags for that tidbit about the son. I was wondering if I was going to run into the little tike, but now I know :( I should have expected there to be spoilers in the article but... sheash, now I'll not be able to have that same effect you had. And you've all been pretty good at tagging

Trunk Slamchest

It's very saddening to think this is actually a thing.

I'm at about 'Half a pack of Mentos' level in my pocket right now if you know what I mean.

What got me into anime? By watching shows I didn't know was anime like Robotech and (sigh) Sailor Moon. (Don't judge!).

You cannot possibly deny that there are those out there just using this as an excuse for free shit though.


Soooo.... In any other situation in the average world, this would be vehicular manslaughter.

They should go a step further and pull all of their factories from the state, if there are any. Why support the economy of a state that uses the very product you produce as a means to exploit funds for their coffers by instating unnecessarily slow and obviously bait-influenced speed limits on their highways?

The reason for this, I believe, is the time it takes for the game to be over. Someone really, really bad? You're going to lose for the next 30 minutes and it will -not- be fun.

DOTA 2 needs one of those age group warnings to pop up in the opening splash pages.

The corruption in every sort of donation-involved establishment is incredibly high. This way, he knows money is going to an individual. And can see the reaction and the way it effects them. The video offered as an example was beautiful.

This one time, Kotaku threated to doxx me because I cheated in one of their contests, and by cheated... I meant I shared my answers an another forum that was popular at the time.

This, ladies and gents, sums up modern day Final Fantasy games.

Why do we have to call him "Mr. President" instead of "Mr. Obama"?

And yet I'm still a virgin.

Dickwolves are harmless fun unless you're a butt hole or a vagina.

this man does not exaggerate.

This isn't "Next Gen".