While screaming "Haduken" I hope.
Every time someone talks about League of Legends, another type of esports dies to make way for this casual-fest that's taking place in the form of LoL.
All Star Wars announcements, and Sony's press conference... The key things that'll come from E3 this year.
As someone who really doesn't care about being politically correct, his comment made even ME cringe when he said it.
I'd be more inclined to purchase it if one of the console creators actually posted a '500' or a '400'.
If they don't fix their patching process (and costs involved), this Minecraft platform will ALSO be terrible.
Gives me a heavy Heart of Darkness vibe!
You've been talking bad about the latest FF games! The execs at Square poisoned your drinks, no doubt.
I cannot be the only one that was disappointed not to see Michael Bien.
By the way...
Stop it at about 40 seconds exactly to prevent your soul from being devoured by an abyss of hopelessness.
It's only racist if you are.
Twist alert: She married you for the video games.