Somethingwittyer likes noisy

On a bike in North Clare Ireland there is this route you can cycle on the highest cliffs in Europe. I rode it once when I had no brains… never again (though these images are of another group of cyclists).

that's a sierra, not an escort

(something or other) EXTREEEEEEEEEEME!!!!!

Part of me would love a dog-leg box



Ahhh, How The Chinese Bit Off More Than They Could Chew...
And now realize that they will ruin Volvo.

Lies, this is worse.

Car and Driver, or maybe R&T, had a bunch of editorials on why E15/E85 are bad, a few years ago.

And one more, still not an artist. And again the outline is not mine.

2JZ anyone?

Glorious news! Hue hue hue!

Knee-jerk, sanctimonious revisionism of plays targeting the team who happened to fall on the wrong side of the chaotic, random, nonlinear dynamics of the fucking universe is the worst part of sports commentary (which is saying a lot)

This is pretty funny, but a lot of people will miss the larger point. Sure, there's probably a greater amount of male enthusiasts than female enthusiasts, but it really angers me when I see stuff at events like when they have "bikini babes" seductively wash a car in front of a bunch of leering dudes (and I'm a dude).

5th gen eg6 civic hatch w/ 3rd gen jdm integra front end conversion and a turbo'd K-swap. sic!

10/10 would do.


Depends on if it is a glass half full or half empty POV. If you look at the half full portion, you get:

Chris Harris is da best.