Somethingwittyer likes noisy

Right, now that you've mastered the 38 point turn, let's look at the way to get out of this tricky parking spot

You know this is the same type of person who does 40 on freeway on-ramps because they're scared of their cars and have no concept of space.

Oh I fully agree, they're just as much a bunch of herd members.

Shit - Which truck are all the lifestyle Tumblrs going to post now?

Self-righteous European and American legislators will be the death of the automobile industry as we know it. They've already ruined automotive design beyond reparation thanks to pedestrian safety (which, by the way, is the most incredibly lame-brained idea on the automotive legislation front to date). Now, as more and

"Because America is about speed. Hot, nasty, bad-ass speed."

Oh children...

The Mopar winged warriors were a semi-successful story; the Daytona was the first Nascar to top over 200mph and won the inaugural Talladega 500 (also the car's inaugural race), the Superbird brought Petty back to Plymouth that lead to several more championships. They never sold well in the dealerships (big $ compared

Nissan's reply:

Congrats on making him into a hateable meme!

1st Gear:

Someone call Greenpeace about all the fossil fuels they will be wasting, I would pay to watch that.

And to think some people can't even drive above 50mph without pissing their pants.

I personally cannot wait for the crossover craze to end. If ever there was a more pointless category of vehicle, I can't think of any. Just another tennis shoe on wheels.

I think that is the MULE and the camoed car that was on the ring is the PROTOTYPE.


"...of course it's not a factory program - those aren't allowed..."

Is "not being worse than Gawker" the bar to which Grantland now aspires?

Considering what it should have been...

To be fair... I don't think anyone took too much issue with the Aztec as it was actually designed by the designers. It's what it turned into after all the bean counters and committee members were through with it that was an abomination. I'm willing to bet that the designers hated what appeared on showroom floors