
I assume that the US military is just people cheating on each other from watching all those daytime dramas.

I would be very happy with that freezer though.

Is it bad that I was waiting for a big reveal of someone tied up in a chair that she’s been singing to for the entire vid?

The second I lay eyes on it I thought, “Big mistake. Big. Huge”.

Also, in the Euron fight scene, don’t we see the ships firing giant flaming sharp objects into other ships?

If there’s going to be a 4 Horsewomen v 4 Horsewomen feud then the only way it can logically end is WarGames.

Why mix up consensual and non consensual sex? I can understand your dilemma for non consensual sex but everything else is really non of your (our) business. Date rape and pedophilia are different than someone choosing not to wear a condom or whoever Kevin Hart is having sex with.

Right? That was an odd conclusion to come to. I can kinda see asking that about Kevin Hart because that’s they business or whatever and she just wanted to put together a nice fluffy piece of a celebrity in love.

I think there’s a WORLD of difference between R. Kelly, Usher, Bill Cosby and Kevin Hart.

one of the problems in this show (at least the first couple of episodes) is that Parisse and Smulders look too much alike for me to tell them apart. I did get used to it and then realized that Parisse was on Law & Order for many humorless years and I am kind of excited for her that she gets to play a more over the top

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

She also seems nervous as fuck in this video, like a beating soon come if she says the wrong thing.

Since it’s been shown that drug-sniffing dogs react as much to what their handlers want them to find as they do to any particular substance, let’s just retire them to nice homes and belly rubs.

So, maybe that one item is deleted by tje manager at the end of the night bc it looks like one mistaken order/check, meanwhile everyone has paid for the item once. Soda is impossible to keep inventory for bc its,just syrup and fountain water.

Yeah, sounds more like OOT is auditioning for the role of ‘once a month on a weekend day dad’, which seems more his speed.

but I have come to a point that I resent my kids

I’m so mad at OoT, and I’m not even the one suffering from the misfortune of being married to him.

So the guy in the first letter is probably about to murder his whole family right?

Boy that first LW is a real prize. Usually I can empathize at least a little with anyone but in this case I got nothing.