
I think the dumbest part of the project is that all they had to do was make it a VIP Galaxy’s Edge experience and transition the bulk of gamified and story elements into the park. It’s not like the hotel had a lot of “window” screens that made the illusion they were travelling in deep space all that convincing. They

The team that Joe hired obviously wildly misread the situation and failed to realize a) how famous Sophie is in her own right b) how many of the JB fans are now adult women who have been through breakups and even custody battles before c) just generally how many adults have done the work to process how crappy their

There was a whole cohort of “PG and half” shows that premiered on Disney+ that were much better than they needed to be that have almost all been cancelled. They were definitely family friendly but had a meta element that made them more palatable to older audiences without alienating the core younger audiences. Like

People calling her Doogie was a meta joke in the show - it definitely was a TV show in world of Kamealoha, M.D. 

He looks like her brother.

I think that’s the real backlash - the first girl carried the whole video on her back and was the main reason the video is so watchable even if she’s not actually singing. If the second girl had done a good job the joke about europop bands switching out their models would have landed, but they gave her bad direction

She was actually totally in the wrong - first of all, it’s not hyperbolic to say the way she behaved could have gotten those young men killed. Second, the boy’s sister went public with his reciepts - the ones that showed that he had rented the bike almost 40 minutes earlier and had docked it for a minute to reset the

Her mother was a prominent democrat at the state level - she cakewalked into state level politics based on her mother’s relationships. She’s made it clear that her real goal is national level politics and this is her move I guess.

She’s killing her state career for a shot at a national one.

Subtle movement in general is how they keep the illusion. Anytime they have him move too much when it’s not with other objects/non-humans that are at his scale or too fast it just looks so silly. It would have been much more effective if he had stopped the other kid’s last dart before it hit him and pushed it back

He has already said that he intends to keep working with Zendaya, but my guess is that he has way too many clients and he’s not getting the respect and/or support he needs to maintain that kind of book. I wouldn’t be surprised if he really is “retiring” from being a full time stylist with a giant client book. I hope

It’s not necessarily people at “healthy weights” that are the issue per se, it’s people who don’t have any blood sugar or insulin regulation issues that are using it purely with the hope of facilitating an eating disorder that are the problem. The original loosening of the prescription criteria for this class of drugs

From what I have heard and experienced is the food being unappetizing thing is less pronounced if you actually have diabetes or insulin resistance/blood sugar issues. It just normals off cravings and spikes. It’s people who have normal blood sugar and bodies that can regulate insulin properly who are messing with

I think they intend to honor the story of LOU2 but also know it would be a waste to not, ahem, take advantage of the very talented actors whose characters are either not in the game or are not “on screen” in the game very much. One season about life in Jackson with original content feels perfectly reasonable without

This could have been just a primer introduction for the characters that sets them up to return when to story comes back to Wyoming - at this point its generally considered a very, very minor spoiler to acknowledge there is a second game and it feels likely that the show will adapt it. The other very minor spoiler is

One of the reasons it was so successful it that the ad works regardless if you know who Miles Teller (and/or his wife) is or not. In some ways it even works better if you know who he is but didn’t recognize him the first time around. The vast majority of the celebrity-casted Super Bowl ads were very “I am a famous and

The people they should be trying to convert are the people who can’t eat dairy and are constantly going back on forth on going vegan. That’s their real demographic. 

One of the most horrific details that is only in the background of the story is that Claudia and the Rosario children’s parents lived in NYC and in the early years they all could have just gone home at any time. With the exception of Santos, the Sarah Lawrence students stayed in school and (like Dan realized) could

The book has an ambiguous ending that ultimately sidesteps the issues that the movie has that linger that this review highlights. Honestly, if they really wanted to make it clear it was all “real” I would have preferred they ripped off the ending of “Cabin in the Woods” completely and just leaned into the idea that if

To the people who are complaining at the idea that a 40 inch waist isn’t “thin” remember that’s that absolute maximum and we’re talking about seats in a two-seater ride car. People with waists that are 5-6 inches smaller will technically fit but will likely be very uncomfortable. I wouldn’t be surprised if hourglass