Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.
Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.
Good call. Didn’t Megan Fox have major issues with his misogynistic tendencies and left the Transformers franchise? He’s such a d-bag, I hope his shitty new Transformers tanks.
MICHAEL BAY. He does this all the time as auditions: he made one female lead come over to his home and wash his car while he watched, and he drove another out into the dessert in skimpy clothes, and watched her walk and sweat in the heat. A few women have disclosed their experiences publicly.
You know, I don’t hate the idea of a Universal Dark Universe and bringing back these old titles that made them as a studio. I just wish that they really took advantage of the opportunity and made truly contemporary versions of these classics. Tap into the original themes and give them to directors who thrive on small…
This is a point I failed to get to, and I wish I had. Thanks. It’s not the word as much as it is the application. When men are called hysterical, it’s during times you pointed out - when the action is truly based on hysteria.
I don’t believe that; nor do a lot of people. That’s the basis of this article.
Except it hasn’t moved past being a gendered word - that’s at least a good portion of the point. Men don’t get called hysterical. Sure, they can absolutely *be* hysterical, but it’s a description used primarily to dismiss a woman’s opinion.
Having a head of health and human services say “everyone dies of something” is absurd and flies in the face of the whole job.
Nobody’s gonna get charged for perjury for minor discrepancies over shit that is not, you know, treason.
OK, new rule: any sitting government official who answers ‘I can’t recall’ to any question about critical meetings they had under 6 months ago they had should be removed from office, because they are either a liar or have mental issues that disqualify them.
Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?
The reply to Hands Off comes off a bit sexist, but the advice about “don’t make any moves that suggest you want to get back together” is spot on. If something seems too date-like, skip it.
The problem with Medi-Cal is that the industry as a whole is still using middle-men. When you go single payer those middle-men go looking for other jobs. The smaller places are still dealing with an industry of inflated prices due to capitalism.
Theresa May is so fucking desperate to stay in power that she’s allied herself with the DUP, a party that:
The last bit is why she didn’t entirely get owned: her deal with the DUP may make things even more terrifying. The DUP makes the Tea Party look like Joe Manchin.
I second this. My kids elementary school had half a uniform - shirts could be any color, long or short sleeved but had the school logo on them. The biggest drama in getting them dressed in the morning was which color to choose.
Either have uniforms or let it the fuck go. My dad is a teacher at a co-ed school - my sisters and I have discussed school uniform policy with him, and his responses surprised us. Basically, he always policed the boys more than girls, because according to him why tended to dress more sloppily - plus he said that it…