
My guess is that its a mix of wanting to be more comfortable, click bait, and her desire to transition to a more mainstream kind of fame. Her scalp probably says thank you, but I can also see her not appreciating the touch of anonymity she has hiding behind her costumes until its gone.

“I lived a life for the past six years that I felt like wasn’t my own because I struggled really hard with an eating disorder, yes, and that was my primary problem. ... I just felt like my life was so — and I hate to use this word — but it felt, like, controlled by so many people around me,” she told Ellen after

I always feel so bad for her. She has the most monetized “recovery porn” cycle I have ever seen, starting when she was a literal child. I mean it’s not surprising she never got better when she was under the control of people who like made her think that she wasn’t “allowed” to have birthday cake until she was 27 and

It was kind of the opposite of the standard format. The newbies who are used to doing home produced quirky content knew what to do and the usual heavy hitters either never worked like that or haven’t in years. People like Michael Che who coast on the format were totally flat.

I get a big scheduled grocery delivery every other Thursday. Fresh Direct was so fucked up by people panic crashing their site that my order last night was not delivered and they couldn’t schedule a re-delivery until next Weds. My two closest grocery stores have nothing on the shelves. I’m going to try the ones a

I think part of the problem she is having right now is that she is naturally pretty deep, but at the end of the day is just kid (and honestly a kid with a kind of shitty education), so she gets put on the spot a lot and sounds stupid.

Eh, her name is Claire so is it really a moniker or just going by her real nickname? Halsey generally prefers to be called Ash in conversation because it’s her real nickname. There are plenty of reasons to tell her to fuck right off, but going by your first initial isn’t really uncommon?

I think it’s extra hilarious because teens always mostly wear jeans and t-shirts, but unlike a decade ago, grunge is back so hard that no one is even into mall brands or fit anymore. 

My cousins in Texas were heartbroken when they couldn’t see the “funny princess” at the library anymore. I think they restarted it, but with less publicity.

So, what I’m getting from this is Paul Bettany is a horrible person? 

I wish she had fired back with “I’m sorry, what public office do you hold?”

You might want to tell that to the 50k+ people who watched her perform at like 12pm.

Billie Eilish makes pop music that is basically just her singing to a back track with some live instrumentation by her brother and a drummer. There are sooooo many girls out there who make dance-trap music who could be out there if given the shot.

The craziest part is that one of the largest crowds in Reading history was a daytime performance by Billie Eilish last year. It was a daytime set that originally had been scheduled for one of the small stage tents, so it really was basically just her normal set with no special suprises or whatever. So seriously what

I think they’re focusing too much on the idea of the “american market” when they should have just aped the most popular world flavors - matcha, dark chocolate, and cookies’n’cream.

The real scam is that most charter schools are not better, they’re just new enough to not have the same amount of data.

I noticed when she judged Project Runway: All Stars and she just seemed like such a hypocrit to me. It’s also pretty telling that Marchesa runs sooooo small. 

Something I always thought was the unexamined but obvious tell that Georgina obviously was lying about being love was how blatantly disgusted she is by people who have like any weight on their bodies. So if someone who is probably medically underweight is too fat for her, how the hell could she be married to him? The

I would not be surprised to find out that VS invented the concept of “sister sizes” explicitly to trick people into buying a size they sell that could work. I feel like I’m being gaslit everytime someone tries to put me in a 36C instead of a 34D. Maybe my boobs are just weird, but I refuse to believe they are the same

Why would a family of four need that much space? If you’re going to spend that kind of money, you might as well put it into the location.