Something I think is kind of funny is that sometimes Halsey is authentically a dead ringer for the person Pink was pretending to be. I wonder if she has complicated opinions on that.
Something I think is kind of funny is that sometimes Halsey is authentically a dead ringer for the person Pink was pretending to be. I wonder if she has complicated opinions on that.
I think he said pretty much the same thing when he did the comedy central roast thing? Probably other times too, but that is the earliest thing that came to mind.
I think the rarity of the situation and differences in the way she moves would give her an edge. It would probably go down hella weird, but it would be borderline impossible for someone who has never trained with soccer players to anticipate her timing.
I thought it was super telling that even the younger woman who thought it was cool didn’t think it was a realistic choice. Between the lines it sounds like these women just kind of assumed a never ending stream of middle class white women who had received good alimony settlements in exchange for never seeing their…
The article kind of reminded me of how when you look at most of the articles about middle class white people“communes” from the 60s and 70s, they’re just describing having roommates.
Trump’s version of negotiation is just say whatever feels the most fun until you get bored because who cares, it’s not like you’re going to pay them..
Honestly? That woman is more likely to lose custody of her kids for moving to a commune without a sufficient job than for being gay these day at least in terms of official court rulings.
I think that coupled with the implication of this post is probably the truth. They didn’t design a space for women, or even specifically queer women...they designed a space for themselves. And you know? That’s fine. I’m sure it’s hard for them to grapple with the idea that they were never serving some higher purpose… they’re normal legging pockets that you can stick a gun in if you want?
It’s taking a lot out of me trying to process that the president of the united states doesn’t understand why he can’t be “king of Israel.”
Honestly, the styling is ruining it for me. Scarlet in particular. It’s just plain insulting when they give a stunning woman a bad haircut and bad clothes, when they could have just not styled her at all to bring it to Earth and make how beautiful she is part of the problem. Like it would have been very interesting if…
I’m all for reorienting the cast that is attached to Spiderman and not the MCU into the Venom universe using Into the Spiderverse logic. Have you ever seen Tom Holland and Tom Hardy interact? It’s pretty hilarious. They get on so so well. Honestly, the best part of the MCU films was that we got him in HS without…
If there was other beer in the fridge that was up for grabs, I would give the guy a pass on taking the nice beer, but there is never any reason to be going through someone else’s leftovers at a party.
I took a film class with someone who had worked in casting and this picture reminded me of when they told us that the key to casting kids is finding someone who looks like their face isn’t going to change that much as they age. It’s a flip of a coin if it’s in a good way or bad way. It looks like they all lucked out.
I think that’s exactly what made the character ahead of it’s time. Even her own series was ultimately a lesson in empathy for the readers and Karen. Karen learns she needs to care about other people sometimes and the reader learns how to have empathy for a selfish, impulsive person who does change but not as much or…
I always got the impression that he was one of those guys who basically makes his date sign a waiver and email a pdf of her licence. You know, so cold that it’s disturbing in it’s own way, but also in it’s own way very above board in terms of affirmed consent.
I never realized it before, but the Karen series was actually way ahead of it’s time in terms of being a first person POV from a likable but unlikable female protagonist. Sort of a proto-Eleanor Shellstrop.
Telescopic paddles that fit in a small bag are already a thing. Most people keep them as emergency back-ups, but I’ve def used it when I was too lazy to get the nice ones down from where we keep stuff. I think most regular paddles at least break down to be easier to fit in a bag?
Telescopic paddles that fit in a small bag are already a thing. Most people keep them as emergency back-ups, but…
SVU is basically just a conservative fever dream written by AI these days, but I think there was a point in the earlier seasons where they tried writing in a way that played to Chris Meloni’s strengths (he’s one of the best in the game at just pure unhinged manic energy) but had to get increasingly inconsistent to be…
The court transcripts on these cases are going to be ridiculous. He’s literally selling t-shirts that say “Union Buster.”