The person I watched this with turns to me and says “So, it turns out starving, abused children aren’t the best gymnasts possible.” He was just trying to be cheeky but it kind of lingered in the air for a moment.
The person I watched this with turns to me and says “So, it turns out starving, abused children aren’t the best gymnasts possible.” He was just trying to be cheeky but it kind of lingered in the air for a moment.
I especially don’t get it because it doesn’t really make any sense if their goal is to meet the band or have even a brief conversation with them. It’s not a coincidence that boyband members tend to date older women. I’m just like, um, would you like it if people followed you around screaming? Went through your trash?…
Hot Take: Both Waterworld and The Postman are much better films if you watch them now after decades of big budget movies getting stupider.
I mean on one hand it would be nice to finally have a practical application for string theory?
Honestly, it’s not surprising to me that a cop is a KKK-enthusiast, but it is legit confusing that the agent didn’t say anything even if they share the beliefs. I had to take down my artwork for being too “edgy” because of some implied nudity in my figure work. Not even actual nudity! So collarbone is too much, but a…
This is peak suburban non-lethal wildlife Florida.
Beyond that, you can’t just run to the gate and get on the plane anymore. There’s no way that Kevin’s parents could have missed his absence at the first TSA checkpoint.
My guess is that it’s going to be one of those films where how scary it is depends entirely on if the kid likes spooky stuff. Perfect for the average 12 year old but totally fine for a weirdo 9 year old.
I think between her Ted Talk and outreach work enough of the world she has decided that the culture is at a point where enough people are ready to examine the two pieces of the story closest to her that were glossed over at the time: how young 23 really is and how out of her control everything really was.
Something I will never understand is the people who think you can buy anything you want with benefits are the same people who straight up lose their mind if they are behind someone using benefits to pay at the grocery store because it takes like 20 minutes to parse out what is covered by WIC, what is covered by SNAP,…
I don’t think she would like the way her image is being licensed and sold, but in general out of all of the stuff I actually think a make-up line inspired by her could have been one of the least offensive things to her if done right. She loved make-up. Based on the research we have, if Revlon had approached her about a…
It think it’s extra stupid because even people who don’t really know who she was and just think she’s a pretty Mexican lady who made cool pictures like her specifically because she’s so pretty and stylish without looking like a Bratz doll.
It reminded me of that scene in the TRL documentary where everyone (including her) made jokes about the time Hilary Burton was molested by Ben Affleck during a live broadcast and then 10 years later she was like “Uh, actually it wasn’t okay, I was never okay with it, I had to pretend like I was okay with it.”
Now I know he’s just lying, but it sounds like he’s saying he had the homeless people in DC rounded up and disposed off. Which, you know, um, is terrifying.
Something that is really odd is that while MSCL has long been considered something very of it’s time and in many ways a “jewel box” of 90s culture, her narration is clearly supposed to be her writing in her journal and a huge amount of the action and drama is tied to letter writing. So, very ironically, it’s actually…
I think her only goal here was give herself a shot at avoiding a treason charge if it ever came down to that without inflaming anyone.
That letter where they say to never apply “never again” to contemporary political issues requires a level of mental gymnastics that I just cannot follow. What they hell is “never again” supposed to mean then?!?
I made the mistake of looking at the responses to George Takei’s tweet that he was kept in a concentration camp during WWII. There were a bunch of people arguing that if he’s still alive, it couldn’t be a concentration camp. Shit like this just shreds me, man.
I’m afraid that she’s going to come off like babysitter or a teacher.
While I would suprised if Biden had ever engaged in anything that qualifies as sexual misconduct, I do think there is a judgement gap his continued behavior demonstrates.