The reaction timing on this is terrifying. Someone can always find a way through, but the only person who got in the way was her co-panelist? Her husband had to pull him off stage? It’s so scary.
The reaction timing on this is terrifying. Someone can always find a way through, but the only person who got in the way was her co-panelist? Her husband had to pull him off stage? It’s so scary.
It’s one of those things where of course I don’t mind that people want to try stuff and talk about the flavors and differences, but that’s exactly what flights were created for. It’s not even about the money loss on the samples that brewery usually cares about, it’s annoying the people behind them. My fave micro…
I agree too, especially in the context of light shit talk in the middle of an active sports game. That’s just talking.
I think he’s more Rod Stewart 2k19. Which isn’t a bad thing! He’s a much better song writer than he gets credit for, but he’s just not there technically as an instrumentalist as people like Lindsey Buckingham. But he is at the end the day mostly a singer and pop singer at that.
Eh, people misinterpret “edge of seventeen” to be about a cougar relationship, but she makes perfect sense when she says it’s actually about memories and how people experience grief. Unlike Jagger, there’s nothing in her track record to suggest that she exploits people. When she says she feels like his auntie she…
So, the best thing about it being a British series is that doing it in spurts of short runs on a irregular release schedule isn’t particularly unusual. I think there might have been like 3 years between S1 and S2? It would be a mistake to go right into what “happens next” after the priest, but I think there might be…
It’s one of those shows that you can’t believe there is only one season of because it was on the air for like a decade. But guess that’s one of the perks of early childhood entertainment, you can stay frozen in place as the audience ages in and out of your demo.
Shining Time Station was just a repackage of old Thomas the Tank Engine episodes with extended narration skits to link together the clips (yes, with Ringo Starr as the conductor).
TL;DR: Most of the dudes who fucked up countries after a revolution or coups were not the faces of the war or political change, it was all the Bronns.
But “no one in a leadership capacity” means no one running the farms that feed the country or managing the consumer goods market. Inflation and food distribution must have completely broken down. If there was literally no one except Bronn (who being made master of coin makes this even worse) that means no one was…
They specifically said there was no one in the Reach. We were so distracted by the absurdity of suggesting the Unsullied start houses that we missed the bigger implication - if there is no one in the Reach, the Tarlys and Lannisters probably killed a hundred thousand that day and are responsible for the death of…
The only thing they’re really any good for is treating exhaustion and jump starting sobriety for people who really are just going through a bad patch and don’t have underlying medical addiction issues. Something like bottoming out after the death of family member or other stuff that shrinks typically call “adjustment…
The show sort of skimmed over the math not making any sense on the destruction of Highgarden vs King’s Landing. Especially when they said that Dany had just killed more people than all of the Lannisters combined. I think that requires a lot of fuzzy math. Highgarden is one of the most populated cities in Westeros, the…
The Red Keep is the castle that was pretty much intact. Dany destroyed Flea Bottom by the outer city wall.
It also forgets that the Tarlys had literally just massacred an entire city and murdered their allies.
Ugh, yeah, no. This is pure BS. If that was the case...why didn’t she destroy the Red Keep?
I was just about the make the same point. A better example of a band that came from that scene that survived long enough to grow up into mediocrity is No Doubt.
You either die a hero or live long enough that it’s not a profitable for marketers to license your IP?
One of the craziest parts of the story is that in many cases all parents had to do was find a suitable certificate program at name brand school with a low entry bar, sell it as “going to school part time while working on my business” and everyone would have had what they wanted.
Even though Love: 3D is a Gaspar Noé film, not a Kechiche film, I remember when it came out there was a lot of discussion about what made Blue is the Warmest Color a good film when so many movies that are functionally “a director tells people to have sex for real in front of camera with no plan and no script” are…