
“How anyone could be stupid enough to allow a woman a locking door is beyond us.”

I had never heard of Beautiful Girls so I just went and skimmed the wiki. YIKES.

My guess since he doubled down that that stuff did technically sort of happen, but from her POV it was an old guy that she thought was her friend pushing her against trees and kissing her.

Yes. Exactly.

I feel like Benjen basically wrote “you are my nephew but you have it all wrong” on Jon’s forehead with a sharpie within the first 5 chapters. If I, as a random middle schooler who only had the internet at school, had figured out that the only two reasons Ned and Benjen would both lie would be for Lyanna or Brandon

So we actually know that Pentos in-world has an elected monarchy that probably gives us an idea of the only way it would work in Westeros. They elect their prince, but if anything goes wrong they kill him (more symbolically than anything else) and replace him with another.

I feel like the show would have been in better hands all along if someone had let GRRM know that most book readers had already narrowed it down to 90% Lyanna and Rhaegar, 10% Ashara and Brandon by 2008. It’s possible that D&D googled it while at dinner with him.

Or if she did it was publicly, like at that award show or in that magazine. As in she used the victim of her slander as a prop.

I feel like you skip ahead a generation and what you have is basically Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I.

I think the “adult vs child” argument is invalid, but there is something to a businesswoman feeling as though someone she does not have an exclusivity agreement or first-refusal option with did not have the right to run any advertising he wanted on a channel she does not own. I don’t know how I feel about someone who

But he didn’t have an endorsement contract with Halo? The reason you give for not signing a contract is not the same as having a contract. There’s a reason she “cancelled” him and didn’t sue him.

So, from the amount of energy my elementary age god kids are putting into this feud, the only thing I got out of this is “oh my god these people are selling scam vitamins to children.

In many ways if you think about what JoJo is doing as child entertainment ala The Wiggles or LazyTown, it all makes a lot more sense. Even claiming to be the character all the time in shhh! wink-wink sort of way isn’t that weird. The issue is that there are laws about children’s entertainment and advertising. By

Having a defined uniform is great branding and also methinks she doth protest to much about always dressing that way. I wouldn’t be surprised if she likes being unrecognizable when she takes her hair down, likes having a fake house so stalkers don’t know where her real house is, etc.

Eh, I’d believe they put dishes in a dishwasher before. They tend to be okay with doing stuff for themselves that actually is easier to do yourself. It’s unloading a dishwasher and putting everything away that I doubt has ever happened. Much like I think they probably have thrown their own clothes in a hamper before,

Did the twins that don’t look like twins.... fake faking a trip? They seemed to list the things that got them busted right off the top? I had to turn it off after 40 second but it seemed really sketch.

I found out about her initially after reading a Rollcall article about her predecessor, where they talked about how he was the young gun of the Democratic party and gearing up to begin to start the baby-steps towards having a voice in the house...after literally 20 years in office. They used the expression

As much as I hate it, Sansa and Gendry is the exactly the sort of thing I pictured as a potential “bittersweet ending.” It’s a perfect parallel for Ned and Cat. Cat loved Ned’s brother, their marriage was not their preference or choice, but it was the best thing for the realm.

I know this isn’t the point but I suddenly realized where I recognized the guy who plays Lucifer from! I was too lazy to ever look it up, but it always kind of bothered me I couldn’t place him. He’s Gary from Miranda!

It could be a planned partner scam (see: homeless man/out of gas fiasco), but I’m willing to give it some weight considering the person telling the story isn’t the victim. But then again, that’s why partner scams work.