
I think when you’re good natured and everybody knows you’re not going to lose your mind, you sometimes forget you can still push it too far and piss people off.

For all of the stuff that she’s famous for now, we forget that it totally makes sense that she might genuinely consider it paying tribute to her father to fund a lot of pro-bono legal work.

For me, the most radical thing about how they depicted Kat was that she wasn’t a “misfit” in the high school movie sense. Even in a movie that essentially introduces the setting “clique by clique” you get the feeling that cliques actually didn’t really mean that much... a lot like most schools where traditional

Holy shit, I assumed it had to be one of those local government buildings where they bundle together a small police station with a couple of other service offices, but it’s a car dealership? WTF.

Serious question: What does Alec Baldwin bring to the table aside from a bone structure that lends itself to taking botox well and constant, simmering rage to tap into?

I met her briefly in person and she was the most distractingly pretty person I have ever seen. I wasn’t even like attracted to her per se, it was more like a Greek statue was trying to have a normal conversation with me and I was just blanking and being super weird. Sorry Rosario - I could tell you simply wanted to

I have taken to updating every bad review I am ever asked to take down instead with “I was tracked down and asked to remove this review. I did not. ”

I was on the train last year and there were some teenage boys messing around, probably coming from school or something, and two of the boys start making objectifying comments about some girls they know. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but still clearly dehumanizing. One of the other boys who had been goofing around

Fox News is already saying that Michelle Obama “made a call” and got him exonerated.

I know he’s probably just stupid, but the whole thing reads like a story where the character is comically trying as hard as they can to get arrested on purpose.

This was something that I saw asked a lot when it was revealed that lots of “influencers” were faking spon-con and follower counts. The usual question is why has two answers: 1) To “fake it ‘til they make it” 2) To manipulate people who don’t know how to spot bots or what accurate brand copy would look like.

Except that part where you have exact GPS coordinates for the whole trip and a witness who for sure remembers that ride. CRIMINAL MASTERMIND. If he paid, it had to be on his credit card even if it was her UBER account, but probably was literally his account.

One of the most powerful things I ever read was: “Abusers groom their character witnesses just as carefully as they groom their victims.”

I remember distinctly thinking “I hope these people make a movie just as well thought out and executed and interesting but with slightly fewer rotting bodies!”

USC has great programs for film, music, and media management which I assume is what most of these kids want to do.

Right, he even went the extra step of making sure the money was directly funding a student program, not a huge donation for “a building” to be thrown right in the hedge fund pile.

I was kinda prepared for the more standard “He was my friend so he must have been innocent,” but this was much worse. Like literally “Well, I don’t know him, but you know sometimes you just want to fuck kids and what else are you gonna do?” 

Hmmm. So, why would a national political party want to prevent progressive challengers, who on the whole typically only raise enough funds to support their campaign? Maybe this quote from an article listing acceptable uses of “extra” donations could give some clarity.

I think they are continuing to ensure their product placement makes sense for the family they are working with - for example, orangefitness actually is a good fitness solution for someone who said independently “someone yelling at me to run really works for me.”

While “scandal” is way too strong a word, there was a bit of a finger wagging and bitchy remarks when one of our younger cousins brought a girl he just met as a +1 to a wedding where no one else had brought a guest due to budget concerns. His sister basically said (being dramatic) “I will never forgive him unless he