At this point I wonder if he might just have naturally fluctuating weight that he leans into. Some people do get fat quickly and lose it just as fast. They’re the ones who the diet industry depend on.
At this point I wonder if he might just have naturally fluctuating weight that he leans into. Some people do get fat quickly and lose it just as fast. They’re the ones who the diet industry depend on.
I got a distinct feeling that the daughter isn’t interested in being a pitmaster, but she is interested in the more general business stuff. She just needed help getting her mom and aunt over the hump to let go and accept change to be able to build out that side of the business. Shorty knew where they were and…
I think he’s hoping to catch the attention of one of them crazy billionaire lawyers who do things like sue schools.
They would have saved themselves a lot of nitpicks if they had called Antoni “Food and Culture” and Karamo something like “Wellness.”
Real question: is it possible for them to have a secret ingredient without getting dinged down the line for unclaimed allergens? I know that a bunch of the Shark Tank food products ended up dying this way. Or is it listed on the bottle and Antoni was just being dramatic?
He was in the Stanford Manderian program that she attended as a teen. They became “close” when she felt “bullied” by other students in the program while spending a summer in China. She was 17. He was in his 40s and married. Now, again, I believe that she is complicit to the highest regard and should receive the…
And the way she solves them is by asking 3 basic questions that most people should have thought of already.
The only explanation that makes any sense to me is that she was floating old man boats or at bare minimum was heavily implying she liked to.
My guess is that the Loughlin brand manager advised a “no publicity is bad publicity” strategy because they do brand influence and the Huffman lawyer advised “stay quiet and hope everyone forgets this happened” because the daughter is a completely private person. The Huffman/Macys don’t need to rebrand because they…
Channing Robertson is covering his ass and I literally don’t understand why he isn’t in jail right now. He is either lying about his belief in Elizabeth’s ideas or was lying about his ability levels to Stanford for decades. How is every paper he ever wrote, every patent he ever filed, every machine he ever built not…
Thank you! I heard her speak at a young democrats thing way back in like 2008-9 and thought I was being punked! I literally felt like the kid in “the emperor’s new clothes” it was so obvious her voice was fake. I was like “Is she...doing a cookie monster impression?” I also seemed to be only one who thought that she…
So, I’m wondering if kids who are the same age and actually did play sports/apply to school in the same year actually might have a case. And depending where they came from, the kids whose pictures were photoshopped. Maybe they were stock images, but I wouldn’t put it past them to use real people.
I once hung out with a visiting NZ cop and it was almost like he was from a different planet in terms of what they consider normal terms of engagement. He was very weirded out by how fucking terrified Americans are of police and I basically had to explain“They’re allowed to kill you in America” to his abject…
He picked NZ because he knew he would have gotten caught the second he tried to buy a gun in OZ. I’m very surprised it happened in NZ, but less surprised that it happened on South Island considering how popular hunting is there. Not saying that hunters are more likely to murder, just that it would be way easier to…
Yeah, that is what I was getting too. The problem isn’t that she owns the trademark, the problem is that she’s crazy.
Yeah, that is what I was getting too. The problem isn’t that she owns the trademark, the problem is that she’s crazy.
Challenging the trademark filing to at least get usage rights worked out: Normal. Everything else: Totally psycho.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she is pitching Lifetime and Bravo a series based on the story right now. Squeaky clean was very lucrative for her, but this might get her rebranded as a Bad Mom(TM).
Nope. In the eyes of the law it was the IRS that was being defrauded. At least in the case of the private schools. The wire transfers and filing the payments as charitable donations is the actual crime here.
Ugh, he’s like what if a Subaru was a person.