
I personally believe her, but even if he was being flat out falsely accused,even if he really was the target of a conspiracy, he should not have been approved because he could not handle being challenged or questioned in any way.

It sounds like someone told him that workplace slip-and-falls don’t require the company to be negligent and he thought that meant nobody would check anything. Kind of like people who murder their spouses for insurance without realizing the payouts require an investigation or proof of autopsy.

The next step is to identify how many of those followers are bots, particularly how many are purchased bots. One of the biggest scams in advertising using social media is cheating old people who don’t realize that abandoned accounts get claimed, cloned, and sold for pennies all the time.

One of my Chinese students earnestly asked me why so many Americans have “Women’s Bathroom” and/or “Big Meat” tattoos and I just about died. 

The part I really don’t understand is the functional kidnapping her children to bring them to work that they could never collect money on without visas or contracts? Especially when the father is totally okay with Claire pursuing acting or music as long as she does it legally? Just why? What was their plan?

He’s not defending himself. He’s auditioning.

Except those people are the exact reason tax credits exist. To offset the burden of being a family or business owner out there actually stimulating the economy.

Something that is really disturbing is that there are many white Floridians who genuinely, with their entire souls, believe that “Stand Your Ground” means they can shoot whoever they want with a gun as long as they felt “threatened.”

I do think it’s possible that Ja Rule is just so messed up all the time that he didn’t know something was wrong, but it is extremely unlikely the people managing his money also didn’t notice. Moreover, out of any of them he would be the one to most likely to already employ people who know what is required for a

No opposite. It would probably be the biggest fit garment on hand, but most couture fit models are about a foot shorter and have more classic hip-waist ratios than the runway models. Bebe Rexha is nowhere near a runway sample size, but she probably could make an adapted fit sample work if someone was willing to offer

Well so the funny thing about actual haute couture (as in actual chambre syndicale de la haute couture designated houses/collections) is that most of the women who can afford it are not a runway sample size. You have a point about plus sizes, but there isn’t a house that doesn’t have a fitting sample in the equivalent

She’s more famous as a songwriter than as a singer, but if we’re talking specifically this event she’s nominated in two categories (Best New Artist, Country Duo/Group Performance) that 100% mean she will be on camera.

It’s weird that no one has a gown designed for a 5'10 size 0 that can be altered into a 5'5 size 6/8. It’s more expensive than just a FedEx label, but way cheaper than a full custom. Plus it’s easier to transition it to a photoshoot and styling piece when you get it back. One of my pet theories is that Christian

Wow, this was a fantastic explanation for why servers should make regular minimum wage or more and how that would make going out to eat WAAAAAY more pleasant if we were not subjected to this sort if thinking. 

From her mother’s words it sounds like Dominque is in the same place as a lot of people who left cults because they personally got pushed too far but are still indoctrinated. You see it a lot with people who leave polygamous groups. They get to the point where they know they individually are in a bad spot, but think

Azriel is a curious case because you would think that by now she would have noticed the same thing that many of the girls from previous incarnations of the grift did - he’s not doing anything for her music career. He hasn’t done anything for any of them. Ever.

While TSW is correct that well off people often are bad tippers out of a misplaced concept of “winning” but I also had to be the one to explain a bad tipper friend that food service has a special minimum wage that is a fraction of the “regular” minimum wage. She literally had no idea.

I actually really wish that they had used The Sims as their touchpoint instead of choose your own adventure.

If you live in a country that spreaks a very close but not exactly the same version of your mother tongue it is very common to pick up the cadence, even if you don’t pick up the accent per se. It’s the difference between Madonna and Elizabeth McGovern. Elizabeth McGovern has the cadence of a British person, but uses