
Making It! is pretty cute. It’s exactly the show that you would expect if Amy Pohler wanted to do a version of Bake Off but with woodworking, because Nick Offerman knows about woodworking.

Right, working out 6-8 hours a day is different when you consider that most people spend 6-8 hours a day on their work-tasks year round. They just have the kind of job where training is a regular work-task.

I’m going to bet that the officer was drunk.

I had never thought of it that way, but you’re right. You’re completely right.

A friend of mine was pushed out of a prestigious dance school when they held a “townhall” like meeting that she was stupid enough to think was actually aimed to improve the school. It wasn’t even like she unloaded on them. She dared to say that the people who insist your dance career is over when you’re 30 are the

It’s super common in NYC to stick a stove and minifridge in the corner of a studio and call it a kitchenette. I’m actually really surprised they didn’t move the stove and sell it as a bathroom with a lot of storage space. Maybe St. Louis has a weird law where doing that is illegal, but a combined kitchen/bathroom is

Wow, this beats the unit I saw in NYC that was basically the same except the toilet was in a teeny tiny closet. I assumed they had to do that to make it legal? Maybe St. Louis hasn’t had enough cases for a law about shitting and eating to exist?

And Channing Robertson got away with all of it. He’s the professor at Princeton who co-signed the technology despite the fact that any phlebotomy assistant, lab tech, or nurse with an AA could have explained why the pinprick idea could literally never work.

I think a lot of aspiring black widow/widowers fail to understand that life insurance policies of any considerable amount basically require them.

I guess that’s what I was saying, it turns out all of the impactful work was being done away from the mandatory verification camps at their local gyms for a long time anyway...if not all along. If anything, they were stressing the gymnasts more than they were helping them. I picture poor Mattie Larson trying to crack

I have a deep well of sympathy for all of these girls, but I hope McKayla Maroney gathers the strength to really talk about her story. Aly Raisman’s experience hinges on the idea that she didn’t know what sexual abuse really was and that is something that can be solved with education. And she’s amazing for stepping up

If anything, the past 9 months have been proof that gymnasts are actually at their best when they are training in their home gyms with their own coaches, living at home with their own parents or normal roommates, and receiving care from their own normal doctors. We can probably add “eating based on a nutrition plan

A friend of mine has a failed service dog who had no trouble learning the tasks it was trained for, but never could quite figure out the cues or triggers. He loves to open doors, turn lights on and off, bring you things, tries to guide people when walking. He is clearly always trying to tell if you are okay but can’t

Probably a self-perpetuating problem. She wears extensions in a pony to cover damage, but it never lets the original damage heal.

I can’t tell you how many times we looked into a program, toured supposedly world-class facilities and at the end of the day, it was just AA being held at a spa.

I have a weird take on this because for a good ten years of my life it would have been easy for me to say that my dad was wasting his time and putting himself through hell trying to get my mom help for her alcoholism. For years we were told that he was “enabling her” and preventing her recovery by believing her when

Right! She probably wants to continue to be empowered to stay informed in his financial affairs too. In the case of Ben, he doesn’t need her in a financial sense to support him, but he does need her to keep an eye on things to ensure someone doesn’t take advantage.

I’m pretty sure she is 100% done as a wife but still cares about his health and safety as the father of her kids. She knows she’s the best person to help coordinate his medical care. I do think she’s a saint to do it herself instead of just project managing from afar though.

When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.

Truthfully, this type of center is really common in the substance addiction residential rehab world. You know, more cult than rehab center. The biggest hurdle my mother had getting sober was finding a facility that treated her alcoholism as a medical problem, not a pseudo-science pyramid scheme run by indoctrinated