
It’s even more subtle in its new-speak. He’s implicitly saying that abortion is murder because the person “never got to live.” Following that logic, killing an alive person is not murder because they did get to live. It’s basically an extension of the cracker jacks logic that babies dying is before birth is bad only

That being said, Kesha at the time didn’t think that Lady Gaga’s text messages would become public. My guess is that she was earnestly trying to warn Gaga out of private concern for her friend’s safety. It would be very, very different if she had said it to a reporter or on twitter or something.

It can go either way. It might be that she just doesn’t want people to know she’s a survivor, but I feel like the lawyers would have been arguing emotional distress and suffering as the reason in that case. It could be that she is terrified of Dr. Puke, but he would be privy to her statement even if it stays sealed.

My guess is that Lindsey Shookus indulged his binges and unpredictable behavior during the affair because she’s significantly less straightlaced than Jennifer Garner and it was a life-blow-up for her marriage too, but then she kept wanting him to be at least sort-of an adult. A woman in her late 30s with a kid might

It’s notable that he’s wearing pants and not holding poms. The least they could have done is cover the “traditionalism” by letting the girls who do bigger tricks or more complicated dance breaks also wear pants and go pomsless. As it is now it’s an arbitrary “boys can be dancers but they can’t be cheerleaders, that

My guess is that he started bombing out after she filed for divorce and along the way they found it is better if she still has legal rights for medical purposes. Either that or she’s telling the truth. She doesn’t want to have to say the stuff that she would need to say in a custody hearing if he’s not sober.

I think she’s the celeb version of that acquaintance who overshares on Facebook but they always do it in a way where you can’t help but root for them.

I think The Shallows gave her the best possible conditions for her, even though she had to carry the film herself. Blake Lively can only play herself. People think this means that she can only play rich blonde ladies, but no. She can only play one specific rich blonde lady that is in a situation only one step removed

Yeah, okay, maybe they ultimately decided they weren’t going to pursue the Inhumans storyline as part of the MCU. That’s fine. What pissed me off the most about this deal is that Agents of SHIELD’s season opener in the same year this was released was *set in space.* On its own, it was reasonably epic and visually

It reminds me of Saved By the Bell in that it’s hokey, of its time, but somehow totally still works as a very tonally neutral, comforting, period piece.

My guess is that Selena Tan was originally fitted wearing super high heels but she last minute decided she would rather be comfortable. The hem is off but the rest of the dress is so perfectly fitted and flawlessly styled. That being said, she was right. People like to say “beauty is pain” but at the end of the day

The version she gave in the clip is that it took Casper about 5 seconds into the introduction to be like “I think he’s fucking all of them” and then 5 minutes into the presentation to be like “this is a pyramid scheme.”

Apparently, it also was the breakpoint for girls who had been indoctrinated but not recruited for the DOS too. One of the girls who found out about it freaked out and started calling people’s families. That’s how Catherine found out about the darker stuff. Before the call, she was careful to try to let her adult

I only saw a clip, but apparently, Casper Van Dien (her husband at the time) has a much higher bullshit detector than you would have ever expected. According to her she brought him to one meeting with the leader dude and Casper was like “Um, yo, this is a sex cult scam?”

It was never more clear that when Trump says “Support the troops” he’s talking about white guys with power fantasies and an arsenal in their basements, not the actual military, than when he started going after gold star families.

As much as I do not want this for anyone and oppose these immigrant purges with every cell in my body, these people are pretty much poster children for the “I didn’t know the Leopards Eating Faces Party would want to eat MY face” meme. Even now, they are not opposing the law or the administration, they are asking for

*mention that all of these countries still have plenty of rich people*

I’m in her district and she was/is running a pretty amazing campaign using the crazy approach of showing up and talking to people. Like for example Joe Crowley turned a local bike lane renovation project into a “national issue” by throwing a shit fit on Twitter that only highlighted that he hasn’t lived in the 14 for

My sister has a theory that most first-class passengers are people who upgraded their return flight after a horrible economy flight.

Does it count as mansplaining if they’re lying?