
For some reason I had it in my head that you should tip if you intend to hang out for a while, if it looks like they are having an extra crazy day, and/or every 4th time you go to a particular place for take-away? I think I made it up? Whatever. Good rule of thumb.

I feel like Evangeline Lily is perfect example of an entertainer who really is just a regular lady versus being “relatable” as a media strategy.

I think this falls under “zero tolerance, zero intelligence.” As far as things to keep on hand as a simple accommodation available upon request, plastic straws are very easy to keep behind a drink counter. More like a band-aid or a booster seat. If someone is going to bother to ask, they probably need it.

As he writes in the article “One of the most common rebuttals from non-disabled people is that disabled people should just bring their own straw. Think about that for a moment. In addition to our Blue Badge, medicines, bank card and phone, we must also remember to carry a straw at all times just in case we get

I even bet the reason they picked a community with a 24/7 real person guard was to avoid situations where the cops got called if he lost his keys or the gate was stuck. They probably thought having a real guy who could call the house or pull up a picture would keep them safe.

One of the reasons Tonya is such a strange cultural figure is that it is kind of universally accepted that the media circuses of the early 90s were too invasive, but the unfairness of the media persecution somehow enabled her to completely block out her own complicity in the crime. The weirdest part of the redemption

So the thing is I think they are going with is he was never really as of that world as it seemed, but more than anything being an elite child athlete in the 1980s fucked him up.

The plot thickens (lol) if you saw him on Ellen today. It’s either weave or teased to look thicker.

Peter Jackson came out and said that Harvey had told him never to cast either Ashley Judd or Mira Sorvino. This reminded Ashley that there was probably tangible evidence that she made it to the wardrobe tests for Lord of the Rings. By cooperating, Peter was able to make a direct link to a specific job that Ashley

I think she was handed a bad rendering of the character and then approached it the wrong way? Maybe too much like a stage actress, zeroing in on the emotional instability and banality on an already weaker version of the character? Like Liv Tyler isn’t the strongest character actress, but she totally got who Arwen

Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino both excellent cases for specific roles they missed out on where they were far along enough in the process to have documented evidence the meetings occurred and the filmmakers willing to go on record to connect the dots directly. It would be a great class action if other filmmakers are

I love Miranda Otto, I love Eowyn, I don’t love Miranda Otto as Eowyn. I feel somehow...cleaner now?

I don’t think Shania has been around...people for a long time. It’s easy for me to see her cloistered view mistaking Trump for just as another thing white US country fans like that she should pretend to like. As though the woman didn’t live as wife-swapping pampered recluse in a Swiss castle for most of her adult life.

That’s a reach, particularly because all evidence suggests that American chattel slavery actually wasn’t that profitable by the time of the civil war. A lot of people know that moral abolitionists were still pretty fucking racist, but there was also a movement that was against slavery for financial reasons that

Allison Mack? Well, sorta. They released some youtube videos that had the opposite effect of what they intended. Allison looks gaunt and is acting like a hypnotized cartoon character. Couldn’t even make it through it as a hate watch personally.

Most people back her story up that she participated in the business coaching events, but bailed when shit started getting dangerous and weird. She hasn’t said anything but there seems to be an undertone of “when my former friend/colleague lost her damn mind and holy shit did she fall farther than I thought possible.”

An acquaintance of mine from art school runs this scam. He is really is a photographer, but he tricks aspiring models and just generally beautiful girls into doing a shoot “for his portfolio” with no expectation of compensation because it is just “practice.” The contract is supposedly just a release so he can “submit

Even in high school journalism I was taught that you should only ever make something a direct quote if you have it on tape or the person has confirmed the quote. Even in most cases with witnesses. If you have witnesses, direct quote them paraphrasing what the person said. Now you can get very creative with

So, I can see in some sports where making your opponent really angry and personally insulted might be a smart tactic, but in boxing? Particularly when it’s something enough to make someone want to beat you up, but not enough to make them completely lose their mind?

At best, because it’s on video, the child was physically unharmed, and the perpetrator isn’t employed in law enforcement, they will prosecute him on a lower level charge and feel like they solved racism. My gut is saying somewhere in negligent discharge of a firearm area.