It’s particularly absurd in the age of peerspace and breather type services. But there isn’t a place in the world where you can’t find a school, community center, or library with some sort of private working space.
It’s particularly absurd in the age of peerspace and breather type services. But there isn’t a place in the world where you can’t find a school, community center, or library with some sort of private working space.
It protects actors with good representation and at least allows someone more vulnerable to push back. It also establishes a new normal for operations people to push back on execs and producers exploiting the company as well. By drawing a clear connection to the liability issue on a union level, it makes it easier for…
This show makes me so upset because a tv series about working in reality tv is SUCH a great concept. The short film UnReal is based on is fantastic because it is everything this show is not. The stories that people who have worked on these shows have are so fucked up, but every episode since the pilot has reflected…
It’s interesting that you said that because that was my exact reaction, it wasn’t groundbreaking so much as showing us what perfume ads would look like if they were actually targeting their audience. The same set ups, but the models look comfortable with their outfits and mentally present. Proof that glam blankness…
Having Andie not end up with Duckie was very ahead of it’s time, but it was probably John Hughes’ own bias issues that kept them from pushing it through to genius. They either needed to fully lean into the idea of the“toxic beta” or as Molly suggested play with the idea of young gay men who try to force relationships…
Is it just me or is it increasingly look like Megan Markle has been planning her wedding via The Tig since 2013?
The real challenge of the silver monkey problem is that it looks so simple but the problem is the not being able to feel the difference between 30 seconds and 40 seconds. The contestants couldn’t hear the announcer or wear stop watches. I met someone who competed on GUTS as a child and he said the hardest part of the…
Eh, they didn’t use Ellie Kemper to her full capacity as Erin, but that’s a different issue than Jim&Pam (no story left to tell) or Andy (they upped him to a lead when he should have stayed a side character).
Well she just kind of admitted that she and Chris played up their relationship to make it seem like they had figured out the perfect marriage which led people to think she had stuff to offer.
I love the idea of Tiffany Haddish as Beyonce’s Passive Aggressive Translator.
I think it was the Time cover/similar levels of media that made them realize that Aaliyah Eastmond was getting cut out of media portrayal and they have been trying to signal boost her without putting her life in danger.
I got into a huge debate with someone who wouldn’t let go of the “hopping fences” part of the story and I had to remind them that we both used to hop the fence at our university and cut through some random back yard to get to a main street without having to walk all the way around. Shit, when I lived in Cali pool…
Police helicopters are the most useless wastes of money for cases like these and are very likely to result in nothing more than spotting a black person from hundreds of feet in the air and potentially getting them killed.
Exactly. Its not the type of thing people over 18 typically do as an act of vandalism and it doesn’t make sense as robbery. Why on earth would someone be smash and grab burgling cars in front of their own home?
FC on the whole is kind of bunk, but there are people who are more adept at communicating by indicating then they would get credit for without tools or trained helpers. Most people who are genuinely engaging in FC are able to communicate with multiple facilitators. There have been cases where the communicator was…
She was only working 20 hours a week and making $500 a week, so $25/hr. You said you pay double that, so $50/hr.
You pay $50/hr? Holy shit, I’m quitting my job and becoming a nanny.
Cameron Diaz’s books are actually much, much better than they have any reason to be. They’re not really a diet or lifestyle books so much as a collections of interviews and research with doctors and scientists explaining health in a way laymen can understand. I highly recommend it to anyone trying to talk themselves…
Her accent in Gangs of New York comes and goes, but she was fan-fucking-tastic in Being John Malkovich.
WeLive is more like choosing to live in a small corporate apartment full time, but the dorms without kitchens/bathrooms terrify me. Not even necessarily the return of the SRO, but the price point. It changes the entire bottom of the market.