
In retrospect, Lisa Bonet comes off a lot like Winona Ryder where yeah she had her own (very normal for a girl in her 20s) stuff going on, but most of her reputation for being difficult was actually just them being super weirded out by normalized abuse.

I refuse to believe that Tessa Thompson has eyes for anyone other than Janelle Monáe.

I didn’t realize he was one of the writers for the first two seasons of Skins (the best episodes). I have a feeling now that he has established himself as a mainstream actor he is going to surprise us.

They saw a name they recognized and just picked that. So many of the smaller categories come down to that.

This already happened in June when someone shot up a Republican congressmen baseball game practice. They all walked away convinced that everyone in the world should be armed just in case and that they should get the biggest guns because “the left” is plotting to murder them and takeover America.

They were contracted and paid the same as any professional backing/touring musicians would be. Part of her complaint is that he claimed that they were just a normal formed a group to play music band after they had been on-contract for a while.

“Incredibly shitty” is maybe unfair but “obtuse” is fair. I think it was totally right for him to be open about his fetish, but the way it all played out is a sign he might not be the best at taking her feelings into consideration. I guess I’m saying the “what part of this general fetish is really getting your rocks

Even if they didn’t believe women or think their lady brains could understand complex medical did not occur to anyone at any stage of the process in any of the investigations to other doctor.

Also, if your job is to catch child molesters you should freaking know what child porn looks like on sight. Again, what the fuck.

Wait. Wait. What. Instructional videos? I knew he had tons of child porn, but I never fully processed that at least some of it was self made. Oh my god. What the fuck. Oh my god.

He had a heart condition that went undetected years because everyone was prioritizing him being cleared for work and insurable, instead of making sure he was getting the care he needed. The family received settlements from the studio and the hospital.

I try not to care about rich famous people, but as far as I can tell their marriage breaking down was the most normal divorce ever and they continue to be decent people and co-parents (i.e. I don’t want to be married to her anymore but f-yeah I am pissed she was forced into an entirely avoidable car accident.)

Vic Morrow, Brandon Lee, and John Ritter send their regards.

It’s one of those things where someone thinks they’re defending themselves and actually they just admitted they did the thing they are accused of more directly than ever.

“You can’t tell me why you like your current job”... um no actually I can’t tell you why I hate it because you’ll think I’m negative. If I liked my job, I would not be here talking to you, trying to get a different job.

In this particular case it is because they know a real doctor would have reported them for beating and starving the girls. Nasser looked the other way for the systemic child abuse, they looked the other way for him molesting them. It is very telling that at no point did anyone verify that he was licensed to practice

It is just a word-rebrand of a product that is already sold as “vegan cookie dough” or “cookie butter.” Personally, I think calling it hummus makes it sound disgusting.

It was actually really beautiful when you step back. It’s an example of Eleanor a) listening to someone b) being grateful to someone c) taking care of someone.

I think the idea is the same as it was for black-ish, they go heavy handed to make sure everyone is understanding what is going on but with time subvert it to clearly be a unreliable narrator and more of a character-driven, inner monologue thing.

It’s an amazing execution of an aesthetic and color palate I would normally find butt ugly.