I wouldn’t say I love it but this is the first time I understand what all of those 50s, 60s era wood panel rooms were going for.
I wouldn’t say I love it but this is the first time I understand what all of those 50s, 60s era wood panel rooms were going for.
I think prestige tv has more freedom to pivot into a new cast than maybe a more traditional show. Quite frankly, it might be better to wrap up the Pfeffermans and focus on a new family for story-freshness anyway. The other thing that is more of an option given it being Amazon is the idea that the show could end, but…
The best is when it is a specific question like “do these colors clash?” but I try to take “do I look okay?” the same as a broad spectrum “do I have something in my teeth?” as in “do I have panty lines that I can’t see? did I miss a button? is there a run in my hose?” etc etc.
It is very unlikely that he is any less of a borderline illiterate jerk, but it is possible that Selena is way, way less down to earth than she is thought to be. Maybe we need to accept that, even when ultimately financially lucrative, child labor does not and cannot lead to healthy people?
Jenna Fisher being actually in love with John Krasinski makes so much more sense to me. They’re both completely unwatchable in everything else I have ever seen, but Jim and Pam worked as characters.
For all the pressure he supposedly put on actresses to wear it on the red carpet, most people don’t associate the brand with those dresses at all. At least they haven’t for a decade.
Why demolish an athletic facility to build an athletic facility? Seems like a professional sports facility should really only need minor modifications structurally speaking to be converted to a school sports facility?
Now that you say this...actually...a lot of this sounds like Scientology. The “minerals” thing in particular.
The horrifying realization that many people have with a female boss is that she was promoted because she she plays by the boys rules even harder than they do and systematically covers up abuse, often is being long-term set up to be a fall gal but confuses that with getting ahead, so the only management style she knows…
His personality gets in his way of how well he has aged and has for a long time. His 2015 album actually even debuted at #1 despite zero advertising and his label was still like “Yeah, no, we only made the thing to burn off the contract. Never again.” He probably could easily have a second wave acting career playing…
Truthfully, they probably could do a really good movie about Veronica investigating the murder of her father.
So, just tried to tell a thinks-hes-a-feminist ex that what he did to me is one of my #metoos. He did not believe me.
I know she will do it in an impeccably polite and legal way, but the opportunity to quit your job and literally go be a princess doesn’t come by every day. I hope she really enjoys it.
Well those might be the same thing? Courtney Love is doomed to be herself, but the best part/worst part of that complicated self is her inability to keep her mouth shut.
In this case there is a degree of eye bleach* because of the horrible things being said on Twitter by 45 and his apologists.
You’re wrong about where it’s going. Admin and facilities are being squeezed almost as hard. The money is being poured into hedge funds and being lost in fees. Blaming admin and facilities is a giant boondoggle that allows the real scam to hide in plain sight.
Learn from my mistake. When a hiring manager says “This is the best place I’ve ever worked” that says a lot more about them than the company’s culture. It can be dangerous in two ways. It could easily be they never really worked anywhere else and have OG status. Or the opposite where they came in at a senior level…
Not where I live, any neighborhood I’ve lived in, or anywhere else I’ve ever worked in NYC. I am shocked by how broken and dirty the homeless people in Times Square are on a daily basis. It breaks my heart and twists my stomach and that breaks my heart again.
You forgot it is the only place in the city where you are guaranteed to see human excrement on the street. I’ve lived in NYC for a decade, but never had any reason to be in TMsq before I got my current job. I see HUMANS POOPING ON THE STREET almost every day. I would have never believed it if someone said it to me…
Or even just the basic guy that Father God is a fucked up creative dude, Mother Nature is a nice lady who likes design and organic development. Humanity are a bunch of destructive psychos that God invited to live in their House/Earth without asking and they really screwed up Nature’s life.