
Said Tywin’s cupbearer.

But you don’t think she learned that maybe a political prisoner might be forced to write a letter they don’t mean in Assassin School? Or at least to not let a punk ass bitch like Littlefinger get the drop on her?

You know, I could deal with the Magic Michael Bay shit, because you know what, explosions and OPed OTPs are cool. It’s the Arya/Sansa shit that just like...doesn’t make any sense. Has anyone who writes this show ever met a woman before? Sisters before? Rape victims? Assassins?

The initial reports are that the cops think he “was just scared.”

I feel you. Some of us had younger parents and just for whatever reason never picked up Daddy issues. I’m 30 and the idea of dating a 54 year old man is exactly as weird as the idea of a 74 year old man. I also think that John Slattery kind of inadvertently hacked age perception by going grey when he was still in his

See, I totally understand why meal kits with pre-measured ingredients work for single or small households. I just never think that Blue Apron or any of the start ups are not the right people to be providing the service. Fresh Direct, Peapod, Amazon Fresh snd even brick& mortar traditional grocery stores can and will

I can’t believe I’m defending Jordan Knight, but I would be surprised if a dude who had been rockstar famous between the ages 14-24 and medium famous from 29-36 and then completely under the radar but getting tons of attention and money famous from 38 on wasn’t totally sleezy. He never had a chance.

Well, you know, truthfully, Erinn Hayes was just too good for him even in the “Kevin James with a wife who is too good for him” sitcom model. It required her to play the most boring character ever in an even extra bland way even though she’s funny and weird.

IDK, service dogs that get trained specifically for the visually impaired are usually the ones who show the greatest ability to stay calm and “figure out what to do” in unfamiliar and loud environments. I recently learned this from a family that trains service animals and thought it was fascinating. I had guessed

I was just going to make your point. I’m actually not phone-phobic at all...I’m one of those weirdos who still talks to their friends on the phone. My issue with work is that a phone call might make you *feel* like you quickly resolved an issue, but at best it cuts you off from the workflow of the request/process. At

If only she knew a lot about a trashy celebrity from her heyday who unexpectedly recently accumulated enough power to destroy the world.... GIRL this is your chance to write a work of landmark change the world serious journalism. She would def need to work with someone younger and still doing investigative journalism,

My understanding of the story is that she had been through a high profile relationship with a fellow Bollywood actor and it was just a nightmare all around for her, so she asked her family to find her someone who was part of her culture, part if her faith, had modern sensibilities, but who was not into Indian pop

A couple of months ago someone shared their story from an anonymous view and the story is even better when you realize that A) it was a somewhat arranged marriage B) her husband didn’t really understand how famous she is (because he’s American-raised and kind of a nerd). He knew her as his friend’s sister. I think it

Is it just me or does suburban ennui as an aesthetic just like...not work anymore? I would genuinely kill to have a house and be alone all day in my house, messing around and wearing different outfits?

Aaliyah had so much left to give the world, but I also suspect that once she got into her mid-20s and lawyers were able to break whatever agreement her family made to get her away from him, she would have provided a lot of clarity and probably saved the sanity (if not lives) of dozens of women.

Okay, so, this isn’t really helpful advice for young or pretty (or female) people. There is a huge crossover between manspreaders and men who feel obligated to your time and attention. Asking them to close their legs is often seen as an invitation to “banter.” Playing chicken or pushing back doesn’t work because I

I could have maybe sort of a little given her benefit of the doubt on the nervousness before this part because hey trying to convince TMZ that you are not in a sex cult is pretty awkward...but the roommates thing is a question she clearly had not been prepped for and had no idea what to say. It is pretty compelling

I think the first letter writer is an abusive husband? Like definitely economically, but it sounds like verbally, emotionally? I kept thinking if his poor wife was my friend.

As someone who looks like an average chubby white lady, I must admit it did help my self-esteem when so many people thought Beyonce was talking about Rachel Ray.

Does anyone have any insight into why they did it with such a weak case?