So they have completely dropped the pretense of being a lobbyist for gun rights and now are actively becoming a paramilitary terrorist group?
So they have completely dropped the pretense of being a lobbyist for gun rights and now are actively becoming a paramilitary terrorist group?
“Mr. Big” is an old sexist nickname for a Mob Boss type operator or a businessman who follows that aesthetic (think Don Draper if he was more openly motivated by power). It’s one of those things that reminds you most of the original creator’s frame of cultural reference for interpersonal relationships was the 1980s.
It reminds me of something Padma Lakshmi said about her marriage to Salman Rushdie. Something to the effect of “People liked him because he was smart and I thought they would think I was smart too. They didn’t. He didn’t. So *shrug*.”
I actually agree that Jared is easily somehow both the weirdest and the most normal one, with neither being fake or forced. That’s an amazing character.
I think TJ Miller’s entire thing is that you’re never supposed to know when he’s kidding...but it might be that the general public assumes he’s kidding a lot more than he is.
They both were way younger and neither had a staff of fixers, lawyers, and enablers. No one likes to talk about it, but I think most abusers escalate when they either have nothing to lose or they have so much that they can’t imagine a situation where they could feel a loss. When people talk about how an abusive person…
I don’t think Vanessa kept him emotionally grounded, but I think she kept him literally grounded. He could only get into so much trouble on a sparsely populated private island, you know?
I think Shonda would only care if he was having an affair with Minka Kelly if everyone involved was employed by her and it was causing strain on production.
In this case, because by design there were so many people who had to go in between to facilitate that, yes it fucking is. Or rather the fault of the person who set the deal. I seriously doubt she was personally scoring. No-referral required walk up drug dealers are just not a thing in London for hard drugs.
I want to know who the fuck was giving her cocaine and heroin so I can put their heads on pikes. Like I can see some dumb fuck PA/Fixer/Friend who doesn’t get it thinking MDMA might not count, or her abusing prescription drugs by doctor shopping without detection. If it just said heroin, I would assume it was actually…
Charlie Hunman is so clearly a TV oriented actor who should be making a few hundred thousand a year, but maybe he lucked into the same deal that Taylor Kitsch had like 5 years ago? A solid TV actor who can’t carry a movie to save his life who kept being handed plum roles for no reason.
When she left the franchise, the actors and Michael were like “She decided she hated being sexy”...which is fucking absurd because she literally is a part owner of Fredricks of Hollywood? Being a certain kind of sexy IS her brand. She just didn’t want to be terrorized and starved anymore.
I think men sometimes are called hysterical...when they literally flipped a table while screaming and crying. It happens, but the sexist part is what kind of behavior it is describing. I have never in my life heard a man called “shrill” under any circumstances. I have been called it personally by people I was bending…
Truthfully, I think how shady that is depends how close she really is to his siblings. With that context, and the high school detail, it is possible that this was her trying to say “I like you like a sister not a girlfriend.” Sometimes you can mean something so literally that it backfires and makes you look shady.…
My only guess is that the necromancer who normally does a much better job controlling John McCain’s movements called in sick today. I can only assume some poor assistant had to find a last minute blood sorcerer and they did their best.
She def going through her X-Tina phase, but I feel like most girls go through their own version of a X-Tina phase at some point between 18-21? In the case of Ariel, she had a breast reduction a few years ago and that is also probably part of it. Sexy clothes look weird when your boobs are too big for your frame. She’s…
The craziest part is that the principal used the supposed “success” of the system to win a bunch of awards and developed a personal brand based on the idea that authoritarianism improves schools. My school had a total student population of like 600 between 4 grades and an alternative track vocational program. Most of…
My high school won a technology grant from a giant progressive foundation my senior year. They spent it on a security system that required card swipes every time you entered or exited a room and an overwhelming surveillance system to assist the armed guards. In the four years I had attended the school, I had never…
Or being able to give a classmate in need some clothes without it being a thing that anyone would notice.
I lived in NZ for a year as a kid and freaking loved wearing a uniform. It made my life sooooo much easier. I don’t know if this was true of all schools, but the one I went to gave everyone a set of clothes for free. I was a spoiled rich girl, but even at 8 years old no one had to explain to me why this was an amazing…