
What makes this better is that this is pretty close to what I imagine God’s viewpoint on people who worship is:“Ugh, why do these losers keep inviting me over? I don’t want to hang out. I have never wanted to hang out. Get the hint already.” Either that or how I react when I see a roach in my kitchen.

I have never in my life see anyone get more than a 5% raise that wasn’t actually a promotion or lateralish move to another function.

I think unprovoked physical assault where their own reporters are also threatened in front of cameras might be their line. Or possibly they thought he was going to be charged with felony assault, not misdemeanor, and did not want to put themselves in a position of future perjury.  

THIS. Moreover, she never said Rebel was her birth name, she said Rebel is what her family calls her. Just like her siblings who go by the names Ryot, Liberty, and Annachi.

I would argue this is less of an issue as people get older, particularly if you are dating people about your own age. Most people are damaged by their experience by the time they find themselves dating over 40 and have re-calibrated what they are looking for. Being a kind, honest, employed team player is usually the

The fact that she is a young, female POC in North Carolina must be a factor. It is impossible for me to believe that someone would escalate a dress code violation to attempted arrest for any other reason than because the principal felt it was the girl’s place to do whatever she says, when she says it.

At least this moment provided a cultural touchstone to perfectly explain the sensation of initially assuming that someone simply had a brain fart and asked a stupid question but then they still don’t get it. 

Something I would love narratively is if they played with the idea that the Underwood’s are corrupt criminals, but they technically played the game while aware of the rules, even if they weren’t exactly playing by the rules. This would be very interesting when compared to someone who is literally an insane wannabe war

I think they might be doing flashbacks and dream sequences to bring it up to date and not completely throw out the last 2 seasons. Personally, I would LOVE it if they had Lecy Goranson playing Becky, but Sarah Chalke playing how Becky sees herself when telling stories and in flashbacks.

I think I broke a personal trainer at my gym when I started explaining metabolic rate to him and how the “shred” mentality can actually boomarang back and take a person whose body “limit” was under 200lbs no matter what they ate or did and set them up for morbid obesity.

This is what always gets me about the pressure on naturally bone thin women to lose weight. They tend to look better when they just embrace their natural thinness without actively trying to be as skinny as technically possible. I have all sorts of opinions on why thin does not equal beautiful, but even if you were to

LOL. The whole article. They pitched it as an oral history of The Strokes*, but that story is insanely boring. So the whole thing essentially is just all these people talking about hating Ryan Adams (who was not in the band).

Especially because it’s a 5 bucks on Fiver sort of thing. Not enough money to delude yourself into having any sort of weird control, but more like a honorarium for agreeing to help a player way beneath their skill level.

I would say there are moments of explicit graphic violence or so-banal-its-graphic in its own way depictions of rape, but every intense moment serves a purpose and informs the story. Something I am grateful for is that the rape scenes are exactly graphic enough to be horrifying, but not intended to be titillating in

No, the legal minimum for involuntary bumping is capped at $1300. United can offer as much as they want/need to.

Exactly! Everyone keeps referring to “$1300" as the legal cap, but no, that is the cap of the legal equation they have to use for a minimum. Meaning that the 400% times the fare is a minimum that is capped at $1300. The airline can offer as much as they fucking want/need to.

That was my first question! They “philosophy” of overbooking only makes sense if you don’t use your planes to transport staff or offer stand-by tickets.... which they do. Every time a passenger doesn’t show up, they have given you a gift, not hurt your bottom line.

Who wants to bet that they are going to take the wooden eggs and never pay for them?

Wouldn’t making tickets non-refundable or non-transferrable starting 48 hours prior to boarding be way better at mitigating that?