
I tried to buy Rogue One and the coupon didn’t work.

I tried to buy Rogue One and the coupon didn’t work.

I think that individual episodes showed them as an incredibly realistic couple, but the final breakdown of their relationship seemed too contrived. The red hair and moving to Japan was just too much.

Is it wrong that I still have hope that this series actually about her being a horrible boss/horrible person who is faking everything and whose business advice can be boiled down to “Rob Petra to pay Paula, lie about everything”?

Bush was a pawn and is a war criminal. However, he fucking staffed the basic civil service offices with career civil servants to maintain the union as he ruined everything for other people/ the economy.

Well, considering the real death-knell opposition to his healthcare plan was a bunch of guys who didn’t think it cut enough, I think this might be a different ballgame. What he learned is don’t even try to be even 1% logical or decent.

It is interesting that this couple turned out to be fabricated by the site that produced the budget. This becomes clear when you realize how much money they spend on fancy lessons and vacations, but not a penny towards healthcare or investments? No college accounts? Really? I would argue this doesn’t tell us anything

But in practice, isn’t most “self-weaning” just what she asked for? The baby still breast feeds when offered, but doesn’t wake up and demand it anymore?

The best advice I can give someone who hates working out is join a fancy gym. Particularly one that has a nice steam room and/or other spa features. One of the ways that I force myself to keep the habit of going is telling myself it is perfectly fine to do a light workout and spend most of the time steaming on days

To be fair, they also have APB which is literally about a rich white dude doing whatever he wants and using drones and shit to “save” a city.

Other way around. I think an artist can make any art they want, but that doesn’t mean it deserves a place in a museum. The artist was obtuse, but the curator fucked up.

The Whitney Biennial is one of the most prestigious art exhibitions in the world, sponsored by one of the most respected art museums in the world. Even if you remove the “right to make” thing from the equation, there is no guarantee that anyone’s work should be featured in one of the most important venues a young or

My personal theory is that Trump is basically senile. A mixture of being intellectual veal (never having faced a single challenege...ever) and being genuinely elderly and taking a SHITLOAD of drugs.

So, on one hand this is “LOL how absurd of course not.” On the other, isn’t accusing a country of tapping your phones usually a precurser to declaring...*deep breath*... war?

My pro-tip is to always use your most gee-golly voice but answer their question with the rule. For example:

I’m sorry you had such a rough marriage, but I think this case might actually be a lot more simple. The thing that all of Jesse’s official relationships have in common is that the women are far more wealthy than he is. In the case of the last two, millions and millions of dollars more wealthy. I don’t think he is

I think when we were kids it was just a conformity thing, but these days it is usually specifically a money issue because daycare prices go down when the kid is potty trained in most cases.

Part of me hopes that Barack and Michelle are quietly renewing their law licenses. That would be one hell of a way to debunk the very prolific conservative myth that they “surrendered” their law licenses because they cheated on the bar.

I had quite the moment in high school when my friends and I realized the reason I was a virgin who didn’t know how to lie, cheat, or steal is that I had never been part of a church.

Assuming they are not in the middle of a huge task, most supermarket butchers are excited to have a chance to use the cutting machines. I always ask them to help me break stuff down if I’m shopping at an off-peak time.

So...the not-fat “fat girl” kills the hooker with her fatness? HARD PASS.