
I missed it the first time, but it just hit me. The need to be able to tap into the “character without judgment” thing completely negates his first arguement. His first defense was that the story is about judging the character and taking down the white savior trope. If that were the case, people talking to him about

Can we start calling this plan “Trumpdon’tcare”?

I completely agree that out pocket medical expenses should be capped at $500 every 2 years and it should only cost $10 per month to add dependents. Also, copays and deductibles are waived if you get a contract and pay your premiums on time.

The answer is no with the huge qualifier that the character hasn’t really been all that popular in the past 30 years. He’s more of a 1970s thing. That being said, Nick Fury wasn’t black until 2002 and it is universally agreed that it was a serious improvement.

I got dozens of comments, but you’re the first who understood what I meant by that.

Brain. Surgeon. He’s a brain surgeon. Shit. Oh my god.

Casting two kids from the same school and one of their teachers was a really good call. It is like a built in support system for their life changes.

The anecdotes about her and her obvious general presence of mind in the rare interviews suggest that she is a remarkably normal person, at least for a rich lady (in a good way).

And officer’s school is for rich white guys who can’t cut it at college or any job.

There was a case a few years ago when a cis-female MMA athlete with PCOS was accused of doping for not taking her anti-androgens when in fighting condition. Women with PCOS have elevated levels of T naturally and typically take medication to reduce it. Do you think that is cheating?

As much as people like to make homophobic comments about wrestling, I’m pretty sure most of stuff that would constitute inappropriate touch is already illegal.

So, I’m not a religious person, but I did do a lot of study on religions as part of my history degree. One of the things I that I looked into was the modern American evangelical myth of the Antichrist. One of the reasons that so many eveangelicals hate and fear the UN is the idea that the Antichrist will emerge as a

I have a feeling she is a 53%er to begin with and her grief has made her even more blind to reason. And, well, conservative prop is a very well paid job. Tara Kyle (widow of American Sniper) makes millions from speaking engagements and licensing agreements.

Actually, this is where the “crazy emotional woman” myth comes from. From the hegemonic POV, he did nothing nothing and she just started screaming and crying. From a more neutral viewpoint, she was harassed to her breaking point and tried to defend herself.

Wow, man, whiteness is a hell of a drug. The double think is next level.“I would never walk up to you and say those words to you” said the woman who literally drove up on someone’s lawn and yelled it in their faces while holding weapons. “I’m so sorry that that happened to you” said the woman who could have stopped it

Maybe gang bang porn is the only other place she has seen that many black men before and she got confused?

King of the Chaotic Good.

Bill Paxton was one of those actors who took thinly written, move-along-the-plot characters and delivered fully rendered people.