
I was lucky enough to be in elementary school in the ‘90s, when diversity initiatives, evidence based learning, and increased funding were all a thing. In 1991, my kindergarten class learned reading, writing, and computer typing at the same time. We learned about the internet as it was being rolled out for public

Yeah, Prince George stopped throwing tantrums in public over a year ago. He’s about 67 years ahead of Drumpf on that.

Quite frankly, I am WAY less scandalized by the idea that someone does charity work for abstract personal gain than someone doing fake charity work for specific personal gain.

Not anymore!

Brandy’s Full Moon is really worth listening to! Some of the album tracks sound more like they came out last year than 2002.

The insane part is that the official “correction” of a wholly imagined event suggests that this was a case of confusion and they understand.

I find the magic catch-all is “The job that was right for me X number of years ago isn’t necessarily the job that is right for me now.” It is a clear relatable answer that is vague enough that it could mean anything.

Maybe this is the version of The Matrix that was too scary?

What they really should have focused on is functional basics that complement less functional fashion athleisure pieces. The problem with their clothes the last couple of years isn’t that they were too neutral. It was that they were butt ugly. They were playing to a 50 year old white guy’s idea of neutral, not a person

It’s a little different if your black father tells you that you are black and you are raised as a black girl by your black family.

I think this was native advertising.... Isn’t Tiffany’s “sponsoring” the barricades outside Trump Tower?

I think this show would benefit greatly from being a Freeform (aka ABC Family) series with wide digital distribution. This would allow them to go deeper, focus on the target age group without having to worry about Nielsen ratings. Basically, Greek meets A Different World meets Dear White People.

I think they just have very different relationships with her. Todd never really had his own career outside of some weird fringe Christianity thing in the 80s and devoted his life to working for his mother’s businesses and managing her money. Carrie and Debbie had a very emotionally co-dependent relationship, but

I think they missed an opportunity with Diane, who is a character modeled off of little girls who have a lot in common with Hillary Clinton. Watching empowered, brilliant, bossy, serious little girls realize that maybe no one will take her seriously when she grows up has been one of the more heartbreaking aspects of

I feel like I’m trapped in Season 25 of The Americans.

This is my favorite kind of cosplay for events. Don’t get me wrong, I think the more elaborate costumes and make up are amazing and often pure art. But for events, I think it best when it is silly and inclusive and like a giant running joke.

I think he was a little high or drunk in his second speech. Not in a “I have a problem” way. In a “Shit, we won an award, I’m done, let’s get the celebration started” way without realizing he would have to go back up there and talk again.

I think he was a little high or drunk in his second speech. Not in a “I have a problem” way. In a “Shit, we won an award, I’m done, let’s get the celebration started” way without realizing he would have to go back up there and talk again.

I suspect that he is basically Johnny Depp with better fashion sense and was totally blindsided when his family was like “Uh, actually, Mom is really good with investments and I don’t have to forgive you?”

I actually think that this is the point that Vivica was trying to make but it came out wrong. There are a lot of male reviews that explicitly ban women or at least women in groups who want bottles and tables. She is specifically marketing to bachelorette parties and Girls Weekends etc. She def could have explained it