
I think it comes down to that there is a point when even the most “socialized to be palatable” woman has been with a man long enough that she doesn’t indulge him 100%. Even if she still coddles him, even if she is basically brainwashed, even if she genuinely does consider being with him her job, she still doesn’t

Trump does have a vision. He wants to punish everyone. End of list. He doesn’t want change anything or do anything, he just wants other people to feel pain. For years, I thought he was a narcissist. Now I see he is something more dangerous.... he is a sadist.

I bet they outsourced it and everyone who saw the final art either didn’t know what the woman symbol looked like or didn’t know what the article was about.  I assumed they were making a comment about how white feminism is just the patriarchy by another name until they admitted they were just dumb and cheap. When you

TL;DR: MMA Women’s divisions got more organized and the competition got better. She stayed the same.

I will never understand why rich people don’t want poor people to go to the doctor. Never. Even if you are the most sociopathic nazi genuinely want everyone to die motherfucker, that is not how disease works!

You would think by now she would have noticed that they turn her mike off? Even when everyone else is singing live. I really don’t care about any of this, but I feel kind of bad for her. She has no idea what she’s in for.

When any of these ladies writes a song that hits the northside of the Billboard Hot 100 every year since 1994, maybe I will consider her petty.

I think everyone who grew up in a former soviet bloc country or south america would have a lot to say on that subject.

They literally are the “Greed is Good” guys...only now they’re old and senile.

The best part about that (see: worst part) is that anyone who worked on the show day to day completely backed her. I think it might be ultimately why it seems to have worked out. The media reported on it, her costars were openly supportive, key production staff was supportive. I think this is a good touchstone for how

Okay, so I don’t understand this at all. I attempt to board with early boarders without paying for the upgrade all the time. I would NEVER blow off the check in agent. They are not checking your boarding group, they’re checking your ticket

It’s not even that. It is fundamentally misunderstanding how rich people make money. They know that Trump wants the job so he can make money. Tricking them into thinking he wants to make money through his construction and consumer goods businesses is what has a lot of people confused. Most people have at least a

My uber driver told me today that he voted for Donald Trump because he will build a new bridge between Queens and Manhattan to cure traffic. I asked him how he thinks that will work and he said, verbatim, “Trump wants to make money and will use his businesses to fix America and create jobs.” Like there are people who

I feel like all they had to do was add a single line to the effect of “Dad, I was promoted from intern to assistant to the assistant editorial assistant. My raise was from $0 to minimum wage,” to bring it back down to the show’s level of normal-ish hyper-reality. The show works best when it is playing with the line

Won’t someone think of the malaria! All of the awful things that woman has done to malaria. It was malaria’s right to kill those children! How dare she.

Because many people are not trained in critical listening skills or auditory processing. They do not listen to words, they do not process information. They are like dogs in the sense that they only understand tone and few commands. It does not matter what is being said, it matters who says it. To them, literally any

At the end of the day, Dubya had been groomed his whole life for politics and his father had far more influence on him than Cheney did. Trump does not have this background or a choke chain around his neck.

In high school, my friends and I realized the reason I was a virgin who didn’t know how to lie, cheat, or steal was that I was raised in an atheist household and had never attended a church camp or Youth Group.

“I have often had encounters with men who take something that’s not theirs, and when they encounter no outright resistance — there’s no loud talking, no playground-style tussle — they assume everything is fine.