
If you want you analogies, Call up any pizza place and order a pizza. That pizza can then be only eaten by you. Your friend can have a piece, but you must be there and feed it to them. Your friend can feed themselves the piece, but only if they pay an additional user fee (which may be the same the price of the

That is because you are not buying the disc, per say. You are purchasing a license. Unfortunately this is something that Microsoft does poorly also.

I'd do that if I wouldn't lose my game saves. You really want me to beat it over and over and over and over.....

Agreed Steve. I Love the "idea" of the cloud but the implementation sucks. The only thing I like is Dropbox and it's ability to sync local data. Just knowing that I have several backups of what is on there really makes me at ease.

Why don't we just use Earth's gravity to pull the asteroids to Earth so we don't have to go into space to mine them...... oh wait......

Talk about compressed air ;)

I'm curious to know what the average cost of each device is (adjusted for inflation) for the 7 year period. I bet you that one reason why the Boom Box was so popular is music and the reason why its adopted so fast was cost.

The TSA also gives you a ticket for not wearing your seatbelt on the toilet... Oh wait, I get it...the "Other TSA"...Gotchya

But now they have confused the guy in the arm chair. Last week Red meat increases your chance of getting cancer but also lowers the chance of being depressed. Now Aspirin can help prevent or stop cancer from growing.

Yea but the digital copy is often for the SD variety, not the HD variety. Make those digital copies HD and I'm sold....but chances are they won't.

Forget Bit rate. Until Apple does something like iTunes Match with my Blu Ray collection I refuse to by a digital movie stream vs. a formatted disc.

Yes human vision certainly is 16:9 and that can be supported by the fact that when I walk around everything has a black rectangle above and below it.

A study has concluded that life contributes to death. That is all.

Looks like Brickma from Rookie of the Year was on to something with the hot ice...

I think one thing that also skews it is that Computers are purchased as a multi-year investment. Heck most people keep laptops beyond 5-10 years. Cell phones are more of a what can you do for me lately. I think one reason why it sells more is because most people can easily spend a couple hundred a year on an iPhone

I can just picture it now. You and the significant other are searching the web together for a vacation spot, when a picture of model in a skimpy bikini is on the page. Suddenly the cursor dashes to her breasts as you try helplessly to convince the significant other you weren't looking there....Moral of the story use

Sorry, but I don't think my USB port can supply the 1.21 gigawatts to power this bad boy.

"It's a purse, not a weapon"

Look at the teardown. The IR sensor IS the proximity sensor. As quoted from iFixit's teardown "What appears to be the ambient light sensor and infra-red LED for the proximity sensor comes off the display assembly."