
Yes, this was a captivating read! Especially appreciate the fact that a complex situation was not reduced to some sensationalist soundbite. There were no corporate villains here, merely the Sisyphean challenges of developing an ambitious tentpole game in today’s market.

To me what stood out was this:

He really should’ve sold this article as DLC, or a least piece-mealed it into per paragraph microtransactions.

There’s an article in the New York Times today about crunch in the video game industry and how it destroys people’s lives. The writer seems like a real jerk, but the op-ed is worth reading.

Yeah, I definitely felt the Holden/Debbie break up scene was more like her trying to have one final discussion to determine the salvageability of the relationship, and Holden’s frustrations with the situation blocked him from seeing anything but what he “wanted” to see, which was that Debbie didn’t want him anymore.

Hopefully we can have a new reviewer for Season 2 because these reviews are painful to get through. We get, you’re trying really hard not to like it for some reason.

Your criticism of Roger Wade is based on 2017 morals, not 1970s. He had many teachers and parents who were okay with it and, in his mind, he was fully in

the witcher 3 is not trash.

tldr because it wouldn’t produce the amount of money over a long period of time like shark cards would

I have been enjoying DISCO a great deal, so this engladdens my heart.

I was waiting for Ashley’s smile to disappear on the ride up the escalator

I was genuinely afraid that they’d have her pimp stalking the bus depot...

I get why people are frustrated with the show, and your review touches on some of what I consider to be the strengths and weaknesses here, but when a reviewer comes right out and says they cannot review a show on its own merits, I am forced to wonder if they’re the right person for the task.

I have a lot of respect for

Oh man this show, we go somewhere in the south, find someplace ok, then bad people are around, war, repeat...

I went around to go see the podium and saw Ham and some guy doing a Ginyu force pose up there. Then it finally hit me and I was like: “Holy shit Usain Bolt is here?!?”

You folks out they who want to make movie reviews take note of this one.

Never listened to much “horrorcore” as a genre, but that first Gravediggaz album still holds up though. RZA and Prince Paul together near the peak of their powers and it’s more a psychological horror concept album than what other’s did with the idea later on.

LOL, so you didn’t read the article (which you at least admit, I’ll give you that) and then raced to the comments to splooge your opinion. I got news for ya: Blac Chyna isn’t better than the Kardashians. At least not in any meaningful way. She’s just as bad as they are. She’s just less successful.

Tonight crackled the entire hour. And Maggie Gyllenhaal is firing on all cylinders, she is giving the performance of the year. She is thrilling to watch.