
Conkers Bad Fur Day? Perfect Dark? Starcraft 64? Wrestlemania 2000? WWF No Mercy? DID YOU EVEN PLAY N64?! -rips hair out-

Dude! No Goldeneye or Perfect Dark?

And this is why I would never, EVER, seriously consider living in New York city.

OH SHIT. Now im interested.

2. I actually used Win 2K Pro up until, like, 2010...then I lost the disk and said “Fuck it” and switched to XP.

Godammn didn’t even know he was sick. God bless his family

The quality of the figures was phenomenal, especially in comparison to the other figure games out there.

Black is diplomatic status. Red was government business without diplomatic status.

Yeah - US has 4 color variants for the same sort of reasons.

Black is official government business. Red is diplomatic status.

Add an ‘af’ and you’re almost hip!

Add an ‘af’ and you’re almost hip!

Considering Sapkowski’s disdain for the games, and previous comments, the headline seems a little misleading. He got paid upfront, and even demanded a lump sum instead of being cut in on the backend.

This isn’t someone being screwed over, this is someone being shortsighted and pigheaded.

I am very much in favor of this shade of green. Can we please get more new cars in this shade of green, or any shade of green that doesn’t almost look black?

Life finds a way (to fuck.)

Yeah, I have maybe one friendship like that, so they are pretty rare. But as long as both people keep putting in effort and are interested, distance is conquerable!

Yeah but you get

Silly, Fire Emblem has no problems.

That’s the Civ series for most people I think. I still prefer IV over V.

No matter how much I try, I just can not get into this game as much as I did Civ V.

the engine will only last 31,000 miles.