
I dunno if Im gonna watch this, while I liked the first and second movies, the third just left me cold, everyone was just so fucking stupid.

You are right, but then you can also be my asshole friend who puts a checkpoint....after he shoots you back half of the freaking level so you essentially have to start over.

You can tell your parents that you love them in 5 minutes. Thats important!

Oh cool so it wasn’t just me. Good to know.

Now if could onle get Robin Shou to be Liu Kang I would be happy.
I know its not the best movie ever, but I LOVE the first MK movie.

We need more Zone of the Enders... :(

(And yes I realize this is not actually the same Anubis as the one of ZoE, but damn I want more Zoe and I will use any chance I get no matter how tenuous the link)

the main story isn’t anything to write home about

Jason, have you...have you graduated from delaying games to retiring people?

I would buy and wear Citan shoes form Xenogears. I would wear them all the fucking time, they are amazing.

Perhaps you meant


That Mimikyu is amazing. And Scary very, very Scary.

Now if we could only have Balthier in the game...

Goddamit I really really love this. Been playing FFXIV for a while now and had I known there were RP servers I would have gone there in a heart beat. I wish I could join it now.

I think you are confusing Kirk and Jason my man

Ok Just where did 15 fps come from? I mean this is the first time I have heard 15 fps talked about since its its a really REALLY weird.

I really don’t think that its cheaper, if we are talking 3d animation, then 24 to 30 is not really that much expensive since the computer does the inbetweens.


Dammit I legit thought they were there to announce cross-platform multiplayer for all games.

My god yes! I have been saying that for years!. It also helps that the Wild Bunch is one of my favorite movies of all times.

While I don’t know if it would be easy or not (that would depend on the tools and if the game code lends itself to extensive modification) It would certainly be practical and quite possible for Nintendo I would say.