Good article, and the expressions sold down the river, gyp, off the reservation are ones that I have never heard before but I would not use.
Dont worry about it and just keep saying Bugger, I for example am going to keep using no can do and long time no see.
The thing about that, is that if you get right down to it, most words were used at one point or another as an insult or a slur, an conversely, words that were not in any way or form offensive become…
I though I was alone in the world on this. I dunno why that is but i can’t stand anything banana flavored.
Man the baten Kaitos one is insane!! I feel the bottle of shampoo item was put there just to troll speed runners, unless that bottle opens up a new final boss with story or something grand like that, then I might MIGHT understand it.
But the one Im most amazed by is the BOTW one I would have thought that getting all…
| “It is also important that this reform benefit our industry’s 220,000 employees and millions of customers, and put our nation on a path to long-term economic prosperity.” - The Entertainment Software Association praises the Republican tax reform bill which just passed Congress and permanently cuts the corporate tax…
I agree, but you are assuming that Rin has sex with him without telling him she is trans.
The Nethicite troubles you?
I don’t think it’s the scariest story, quite simply because after reading it I decided to never read another Junji Ito story. I feel as if I could die from a heart attack if I read other stories from him.
Oh no, dont worry you didnt, I actually already had that phobia, it started after the Screaming Incident.
Yes, thats the one
Tim, you are amazing and constantly entertaining and informative (thanks to you I finally realized what conditioner is for). I liked this video so kudos.
God fucking DAMMIT! Now Im freaked out once again! shit more nightmares today I guess.
Well at least they are not animating the secret of amigara fault, that shit is creepy as hell. It gave me actual nightmares.
Well right now Disney must be pissed, this is seriously messing with the Star Wars brand name, I would not be surprised if EA lost the licence because of all this, or they might just completely remove loot boxes.
Hey Jason,
Hey Jason,
Patlabor if Im not mistaken, its pretty cool.
Shinobi for PS2.
Correct me if Im wrong, but what EA is asking is for them to stop distributing the game for free right? and only that?