
Hell you guys in the US have it much better than most Latin American countries let me tell you.

criticisms, after all, not everyone has taken a course on gender and media. This is what creates this whole debacle where people point out that in the context of the game an example she uses makes sense, but she is not talking about that.

It seems very likely that the third Thor movie will be adapting the epic 1980s run of stories written and drawn by Walter Simonson. Collected here, the arc unspools a massive celestial war that destroys and scars nearly everything Thor cares about. Simonson's masterful work gives a panoramic scope to the gods and

Kirk, are you going to review the Nostromo expansion? Because for me that is one of the biggest draws to buy this game. I mean you get to play as Ripley, how cool is that?

Man that was an awesome idea, I'm with Kirk the ZombiU like mechanic you proposed would have been awesome, though I would say taht making every player a little bit different with different skill sets would have been even better.

A:Not in its current specifications. Everyone on the development team thoroughly looked into an Active Cross Battle system that made free use of attack, guard, and co-op functions, but as a result they arrived at the conclusion that changing characters would be too difficult. In order to create a new and interesting

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Traditional kid-focused action figure lines start with a handful of figures and then pile on the playsets, vehicles and accessories. Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes, AKA Disney Infinity 2.0, delivers a line of lovely (sadly non-articulated) figures, with all of the extra accessories delivered electronically via

That is so so cool. Guess I know what I will be buying next.

I'm getting super sick of all the dark in comics and things in general.

Yep. It had a logical reason, he had no seat glands because his skin was all burned. Though I don't really know if that changed in the movie, it may not, and Richard was referring to that as evilness.

Of course, you could always have an ally of the hero do the deed, but that often sets up a new story arc pitting hero against fallen hero. If you want a perfectly tied up ending, but want the hero’s hands clean, there is only one (terribly clichéd) way to go: The Disney villain death—i.e., the villains kill

I just learnt that recently, and that is awesome. I need one right the fuck now.

Hey, I loved that trend!

Oh Yeah?! OH YEAH?!


Oh, how I love FF6, to me the best FF, but to be honest I'm not exactly sure if a remake will be advisable, there are so many things that can go wrong with that for one thing, even if the only thing they do is update the graphics(keeping it 2D), which will necessitate redoing everything, the new art style might

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Here is the original PSX live-action intro in all it's chessy, gory glory. I still love it.

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That reminds me of one of my favorite albums ever, The Brink of Time, a jazz remix of all Chrono Trigger songs, it is great, so so so great. It's a more smooth experience mostly, but if you like Chrono Trigger, Jazz or Good Music in general this thing is for you.

Spellfall has that quality and that polish. Bright, colorful gems on the puzzle board that vanish with real impact, distinctive 3D models for the hero and his endless horde of enemies — Backflip's even included my favorite non-essential RPG feature, equipment and weapons that change the appearance of the player (it's

I like how the liquid in the beaker at the back changes color, blue for Cap and green for Hulk. Very Nice Touch.