Those wacky pheromone adventures!!
Those wacky pheromone adventures!!
Kung Lao obviously
Goddamn you man, damn you!
Does that mean will get a mega Slowking?
SilverHawks was fucking awesome and the intro was something else, I LOVED Silverhawks, man, loved it.
Absolutely Right, I don't know what happened cartoon cred just went down the drain. So, here is one actual 80s cartoon intro that goes somewhat with the theme of machines and men, and with a rock ballad to boot.
If we are talking about 80 cartoons openings related to robots then noting beats this one for sheer manliness.
I'm pretty sure a long time ago I saw people playing street fighter, tekken and final fantasy on a dance pad.
This is not exactly a Spaghetti Western, and not exactly a tradiotanl one either, but it is one of my all time favorite westerns that I think too few people have seen:
(I do hope you read this even though it's late)Excellent reply, good man, excellent. But I do feel that you missed one very important argument: Luxuries, no matter how small, are also quite important.
Nah, rather than the Director, it's most probably someone in the post production team that did this. What probably happened was that this was shown to the Director and he was more interested in keeping the art design and timing consistent, rather than what the newspapers were saying.
Oh, it's not that impressive, if you are horny enough you can will clothes out of existence, it was a very known technique in the 90s.
Wouldn't it be great if you could ask questions like a lawyer, Jason?
Wait, you are getting Battle of the Gods just now? Man, that's weird, in South America we saw it almost immediately after it premiered in Japan. apparently we are very hardcore in our love for DBZ.
Obscure? That was a plot point in Kotor 1!
Will the Internet Addiction Camp or the instructors suffer any reprisals for the incident?
I have been meaning to watch it lately, I hear it's good. But is it Armand Assante's "LAWWWWW" good, regular action movie good or comic book faithful good?
Oh, I know, hence the mild disappointment. But still, a man can dream.